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词汇 whisper
例句 Her voice fell to a whisper.她的声音变小,成了耳语。His voice fell to a whisper.他的声音变成了低声细语。We had to whisper because Jill's mother was in the next room.我们得悄声地说,因为吉尔的妈妈就在隔壁房间。You don't have to whisper - there's no one around.你不需要小声地说—这里没有人。If you mention it by so much as a whisper, I'll be sent packing.这事你要是说出去,哪怕只是私下说说,他们也会立即叫我卷铺盖。 She lowered her voice to a vehement whisper.她压低了嗓音,声音低沉有力。His voice trailed off into a whisper.他的声音越来越轻,变成了耳语。The fine engine makes only a whisper when running at full speed.这台精良的发动机在全速运转时仅发出轻微的声音。Her voice had sunk to a whisper.她的声音越来越小,几乎成了窃窃私语。Today, we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together.今天,我们听到未成年少女怀孕时不会再感到惊讶,也不会再去私下谈论谁谁未婚同居。His voice did not rise above a mere whisper. = His voice did not rise above the merest whisper.他的声音充其量只是耳语。I've heard a whisper that he has cancer.我听到他得了癌症的传闻。I expected to hear back from them but I never heard a whisper. 我盼望能得到他们的回复,但是从未收到只言片语。She leaned forward to whisper something in my ear.她倾身向前,对我耳语了一番。He was having to whisper in order to avoid being overheard by their nosy neighbours.他不得不小声说,免得被爱管闲事的邻居们听到。Her voice was a whisper, a thin thread of sound.她声音微弱,气若游丝。They heard the whisper of leaves.他们听见了树叶的低语。A whisper of smoke was rising from the chimney.烟囱里升起一缕轻烟。Today, we no longer whisper about unmarried couples who live together.如今,我们不会再去私下谈论谁未婚同居了。But don't whisper a word of that.但是私下里对那件事什么也不要说。He barely lifted his voice above a whisper.他说话几乎都是轻声的耳语。I could hear gulls crying and the soft whisper of the sea.我听到海鸥在鸣叫,大海在低语。His voice was little more than a whisper.他的声音和耳语差不了多少。His voice dropped to a whisper.他的讲话声压低而变成耳语。I've heard a whisper that the Bishop intends to leave.我听到有谣传说主教打算离开。The sick man's voice sank to a whisper.病人的嗓门低得几乎听不见。A barely audible whisper came from the closet.储物间传来极微弱的耳语声。She could only speak in a hoarse whisper.她只能用沙哑的嗓音小声说话。Her voice dropped to a whisper.她的声音低下来变成了耳语。She dropped her voice to a whisper.她把声音降低至耳语的程度。His voice faded off into a whisper. = His voice faded to a whisper.他的声音逐渐变小,成了低语。Hooper lowered his voice to a whisper.胡珀把声音压低到耳语。Elizabeth's voice dropped to a low whisper.伊丽莎白的声音越来越小,成了低声耳语。She heard him whisper her name.她听到他低声呼唤自己的名字。His voice sank into a confidential whisper.他的声音变成了神秘的耳语。Their voices sank to a whisper.他们的声音越来越低,成了耳语。Her voice will drop to a dismissive whisper.她会把声音压低,轻蔑地低语。She sank her voice to a whisper.她压低声音近乎耳语。They spoke to each other in a whisper.他们互相低语。His voice died away in a whisper.他的声音渐渐变为了小声低语。




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