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词汇 wheeze
例句 I know when I've been smoking too much because I start to wheeze when I run for a train.我知道自己烟抽得太多了,因为我在跑着赶火车时开始呼哧呼哧地喘。Cats' fur makes me wheeze.猫的毛使我气喘。We can count on him for a good wheeze.我们可以指望他出个巧妙的主意。As a part of their latest marketing wheeze they're giving away tickets for the concert.作为最新营销策略的一部分,他们在免费赠送音乐会的票。He came up with what seemed like a clever wheeze.他提出了一个看起来蛮巧妙的主意。The cough, wheeze, and shortness of breath are things that go with smoking, not with age.咳嗽、气喘和气短不是因为上了年纪,而是因为吸烟引起的。




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