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词汇 wheels
例句 The garage man realigned the wheels of our car.汽车修理工把我们汽车的轮子都重新校准了。She has a nice set of wheels. 她有一辆好车。Make sure the machine's wheels are moving in phase with each other.要确保机器的轮子同步运转。The wheels began to revolve slowly.车轮开始慢慢转动。The plane jolted as the wheels met the ground.轮子触地时,飞机很颠簸。The beetle wheels his droning flight.甲虫嗡嗡作声地绕着圈子飞。The road was covered with ice and the car wheels did not bite.路面结了冰,汽车的轮子尽打滑。The current flows into electric motors that drive the wheels.电流进入驱动轮子的电机。One of the wheels has come off the car. Now we're jiggered.车轮掉了一只,这下我们动不了啦。The wheels were spinning in the mud, but the car wouldn't move.轮子在泥地里飞速旋转,但汽车还是不动。Chock the back wheels when I stop.我一停车,请用垫木把后轮塞住。The three of us set off, our wheels skidding crazily under that drenching rain.我们三个出发了,车轮在大雨中疯狂地打滑。The car wheels spun and slipped on some oil.汽车轮子转动后在油污上打滑了。On all such occasions, the king stands in the wings, oiling the wheels of diplomacy.在所有这样的场合,国王总是身处幕后确保外交活动的顺利进行。I've got to get some wheels - the buses are way too slow!我得买辆车了——公共汽车实在太慢了!An automobile moves when the motor is geared to the rear wheels.汽车的发动机连接于后轮时,汽车开动了。In earlier times, the town smithy would repair pots and wagon wheels.过去,镇上的铁匠常修锅和车轮。My suitcase is on wheels so that makes life a little easier.我的旅行箱装有轮子,所以用起来省力一些。The car wheels screeched as they curved and bounced over the rough broken ground.车轮在坑坑洼洼的路面上拐弯和颠簸时发出尖锐刺耳的声音。It can be seen as a way of creating and maintaining relationships, because it can grease the wheels of social intercourse.它能使社会交往变得顺畅,因此可以被视为建立和维系人际关系的一种方式。I tried to start moving but the wheels had locked.我想向前移动一下,但车轮被锁住了。I couldn't get around easily without my wheels.没有汽车我出行不方便。I have a nagging suspicion that one of the wheels has a puncture.我一直都疑心轮胎扎破了一只。I need to look for a new job. I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels here.我需要找一份新工作了。我觉得自己在这里只是原地打转,毫无进步。He braked suddenly, causing the front wheels to skid.他突然剎车,使得前轮打了滑。It increased the load on the wheels.这加重了车轮的负荷。The truck's wheels skidded on the snow as the driver accelerated forward.当司机往前加速时,卡车轮子在雪地上打滑了。It was impossible to move the car – its wheels had got stuck in the mud.这车子动不了了 — 车轮陷到烂泥里了。We mounted the wheels on the truck axles.我们将车轮安装到卡车车轴上。The car's wheels were realigned.这辆汽车的轮胎经过了校准。The wheels of the trucks skidded as they fought for purchase on the packed snow.卡车轮子使劲要在积雪上稳住,但还是打滑。I have set the wheels in motion to sell Endsleigh Court.我已着手出售恩德斯勒公馆。The king stands in the wings, oiling the wheels of diplomacy.国王在幕后促使外交活动顺利进行。With today's announcement, she has set the wheels in motion for a run for the presidency. 她今天宣布开始竞选总统。The wheels retract after the aircraft takes off.飞机起飞后轮子便收了起来。The money people spend at Christmas oils the wheels of the economy.人们在圣诞节花的钱会促进经济的发展。The rear wheels of the vehicle slithered about in the mud.车子的后轮在烂泥里打滑。The wheels turned slowly, then picked up speed.轮子慢慢转动,然后开始加速。A child was pulling along a little dog on wheels.小孩拉着装了轮子的小狗走。When he was drinking, Ken was hell on wheels.肯恩一喝酒,脾气就变坏。




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