例句 |
Life is going along nicely and then, wham, you lose your job.日子正过得好好的,然后一下子,你失业了。Everything was fine until, wham, the wire snapped.一切都很好,可突然啪的一声,电线断了。Then I met someone and wham, bam, I was completely in love.然后我遇上了一个人,嘭的一下,我就坠入了爱河。There you are driving along and wham! You hit a pothole.你正开着车,砰!撞到了一个坑。The boys in the cartoon were punching each other - wham, zap!卡通片里的男孩们正在打斗——砰,啪!Everything seemed fine and then—wham!—all hell broke loose.一切看似完好,接着膨的一声,顿时一片混乱。 |