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词汇 wept
例句 He wept with joy/relief.他高兴/欣慰地流下了眼泪。After he wept with sadness and guilt, his anger spent.伤心而歉疚地哭泣之后,他的怒气也就消了。I wept at the end of the book.这本书我在看到结尾的时候哭了。His mother wept bitterly and his father sat grim-faced.他母亲泪流满面,父亲则坐在椅子上,铁青着脸。She buried her head in the pillow and wept.她把头埋在枕头里哭泣。She wept when she heard the terrible news.她听到这个可怕的消息痛哭流涕。I just broke down and wept with tears of joy.我一下子禁不住喜极而泣。He wept bitter tears of disappointment.他因失望而流下苦涩的泪水。He wept for the loss of his mother and his tardy recognition of her affection.他痛哭流涕,不仅因为失去了母亲,还因为这么晚才认识到了妈妈对他的爱。She wept tears of joy.她喜极而泣。She sat in her room and wept bitterly.她坐在自己的房间里痛哭。The bereaved parents wept openly.死者的双亲放声痛哭。I could have wept with frustration.我也可能是因为感觉到沮丧才哭泣的。Many people broke down and wept.许多人控制不住开始哭泣。His mother summoned him, upbraided him, wept, and prayed.他母亲把他叫到跟前训斥一番,又哭哭啼啼地向上帝祷告。She wept for the loss of her mother.她因母亲去世而哭泣。Both women wept at his graveside.两个女人都在他墓前哭泣。He wept for sorrow.他因为伤心而啜泣。Their kindness quite unmanned her, and she broke down and wept.他们的友善使她难以自持而忍不住哭了起来。I could have wept thinking what I'd missed.想想自己错过的这一切,我真想大哭一场。We all wept in silence for the deceased.我们都默默为死者哀悼。Several of the soldiers broke down and wept.几个士兵忍不住哭了起来。She wept silent tears when she heard his name.听到他的名字,她默默流泪。The girl wept over her sad fate.那女孩为自己悲惨的命运而哭泣。She wept out her grief to her father.她对父亲哭诉自己的哀怨。We had wept over the death of our parents.我们为父母的逝世而流泪。She sat beside her dying father and wept.她坐在垂危的父亲旁流泪。His mother wept openly.他母亲毫不掩饰地哭泣。They all wept with sorrow at the news of his death.听到他的死讯,他们全都伤心落泪了。His mother summoned him, upbraided him, wept and prayed.他母亲把他叫到跟前训斥了一番,又哭哭啼啼地向上帝祷告。A lot of people wept during the funeral ceremony.葬礼上许多人都哭了。The black stone walls wept moisture.这几堵黑石墙泛潮。He wept at the news of her death.听到她的死讯时他哭了。Marion sank down on a rock, and wept.玛丽昂倒在一块岩石上,哭了起来。I felt I could have wept for joy.我感觉要喜极而泣。She wept bitterly when she heard the news.她听到那个消息就悲痛地哭了。I wept buckets when he left.他离开时我大哭了一场。She wept from the shame of having let everyone down.她因使大家失望而羞愧地哭了起来。She almost wept with happiness.她高兴得几乎要流下泪来。Mother wept for joy.母亲高兴得流眼泪。




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