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词汇 went to bed
例句 For once the children went to bed without a murmur.孩子们头一次一声不吭就上床睡觉了。I locked up and went to bed.我锁好门窗后上床睡觉。She had a hot drink and went to bed.她喝了热饮之后就睡觉了。After her children went to bed, the mother turned the upside-down house back to normal.孩子们睡觉后,母亲把混乱的屋子重新整理好。I came into the room and went to bed the same as usual.我走进房间,像平常一样上床睡觉。He switched off the television and went to bed.他关掉电视然后上床睡觉。I had my supper and went to bed.我吃过晚饭就上床睡觉了。I remember the first time we went to bed.我还记得我们第一次上床的情景。They washed their faces and went to bed.他们洗过脸后上床睡觉去了。On Saturday I went to bed and slept fourteen hours solid.星期六我上床整整睡了十四个小时。Dad talked short with me before I went to bed.爸爸在我睡觉前和我简短地谈了几句。He felt unwell and went to bed.他感到不舒服,所以就去睡了。Mary watched the late movie so she went to bed.玛丽看了晚场电影,然后上床睡觉。She took some pills down before she went to bed.她睡觉前吞了一些药丸。He blew out the candle and went to bed.他吹熄蜡烛,上床睡觉。He went to bed straight after supper.他吃好晚饭就去睡了。We went to bed real late.我们睡得很晚。I brushed my teeth, and after that I went to bed.我刷了牙,之后就上床睡觉了。Tom wound his clock before he went to bed.汤姆睡觉之前给钟上发条。They Sported for a while, and then went to bed.玩耍了一会儿,他们便上床睡觉了。I went to bed early and slept like a log.我早早上了床,睡得很香。We went to bed that night blissfully ignorant of the storm to come.好在那天我们上床睡觉时对即将来临的暴风雨一无所知。She went through her usual ritual of making sure all the doors were locked before she went to bed.她上床之前按惯例检查一下所有的门是不是都锁上了。The child obeyed and went to bed.孩子听话睡觉去了。I put on my pyjamas and went to bed.我穿上睡衣就上床睡觉了。We went to bed, but Julie and Kate stayed up talking and playing cards.我们去睡了,但朱莉和凯特整夜在谈天、玩纸牌。The storm had blown itself out by the time we went to bed.我们上床睡觉时暴风雨已经停息了。We went to bed very late.我们很晚才睡觉。Sumi dosed herself up with aspirin and went to bed.萨米服用了阿司匹林,然后就上床睡觉了。He came home early in order to see the kids before they went to bed.他早回家是为了在孩子们睡觉前看到他们。I went to bed later than usual.我比往常更晚上床。He said he'd give me the job if I went to bed with him.他说如果我跟他上床,他就把这份工作给我。She went to bed, miserable and depressed.她伤心而沮丧地上床睡觉。I went to bed at my usual time.我和平常一样准时上床睡觉。She took an aspirin and went to bed.她服了一片阿司匹林就上床睡觉了。She said her prayers every night before she went to bed.她每晚上床前都念着祷文。She became tired and went to bed.她疲劳得去睡觉了。She puffed out the candle and went to bed.她吹灭了蜡烛,然后上了床。We turned off the outside lights and went to bed.我们关上了外头的电灯,上床睡觉了。She felt sleepy and went to bed.她感到困乏就去睡了。




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