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词汇 bluntly
例句 She told me bluntly that I should lose weight.她直言不讳地告诉我我应该减肥。To put it bluntly, you're going to have to improve.恕我直言,你还得改进。To put it bluntly, I think he's out of his mind.不客气地说,我觉得他昏了头了。She told me bluntly it was my own fault.她不客气地跟我说那是我自己的错。She searched his face, then, mentally girding her loins, spoke bluntly.她仔细端详他的脸色,然后鼓足勇气,直截了当地说了出来。To put it bluntly, he became a pain.坦白地说,他成了个令人头疼的人。To put it bluntly, their demands are unreasonable.坦率地说,他们的要求是不合理的。I ask your pardon if I speak bluntly.如果我讲话有冒犯之处,请你原谅。She bluntly refused their offer.她毫不客气地拒绝了他们的报价。The Queen told her bluntly that she was misguided in campaigning for Aids victims.女王直言不讳地告诉她,她为艾滋病受害者奔走游说是不明智的。I think you're incompetent, to put it bluntly.坦白地说,我认为你并不称职。Their performance was, to put it bluntly, atrocious.他们的表演,说得不客气一点,很糟糕。The Pope bluntly told the world's priests yesterday to stay celibate.教皇昨天直言全世界的神父都应该禁欲。He doesn't, to put it very bluntly, give a damn about the woman or the baby.直白地说,他根本不在乎那个女人和那个小孩。The chancellor bluntly warned the Cabinet to cut public spending or face higher taxes.财政大臣直接警告内阁要么削减公共开支,要么提高税收。The Pope bluntly told the world's priests yesterday to remain celibate.教皇昨天直言要求全世界的神父过独身生活。




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