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词汇 weird
例句 My little brother acts weird sometimes.我小弟有时举止怪异。I know it sounds weird, but it was so funny. I guess you had to be there.我知道这听起来有些奇怪,但它当时真的很好笑。我想你只有在现场才能明白。He's not just weird, he's positively loco.他不只是怪异,还真有点疯。It was a weird situation, and I was curious to learn more.那情况真是奇怪,我很好奇想了解更多。The logic of this was weird to say the least.至少可以说,这个逻辑推理是奇怪的。Who's been putting such weird ideas into your head?是谁向你灌输这些怪念头的?Drugs can make you do all kinds of weird things.毒品可以让你做出各种各样奇怪的事情。A lot of his relatives are into very weird New Age stuff.他的很多家人都喜欢新时代的一些很古怪的东西。It's a weird feeling to go back to a place that you lived in a long time ago.回到很久以前住过的地方,有一种奇怪的感觉。She cooked up some weird scheme that was going to earn her a fortune.她想出了个能使自己发财的怪点子。She's a little weird isn't she? Oh no, have I put my foot in my mouth? Is she a friend of yours?她有点古怪,是不是?噢,我说漏嘴了吧?她是你朋友吗?Her boyfriend's a bit weird but she's nice.她的男朋友有点怪,不过她人倒很好。There's something weird about that guy. 那个家伙有点古怪。Researchers can only guess at how this weird creature evolved.研究者们只能猜测这个奇怪的生物是如何进化的。I don't mean to weird you out.我不是故意让你觉得不自在的。I felt a weird pressure to say these words.我不知怎地觉得这几个词儿非说出来不可。She only had lipstick on her bottom lip which looked pretty weird.她只在下嘴唇上擦了口红,看上去很奇怪。Ihad a weird dream last night.昨晚上我做了一个古怪的梦。I met this really weird guy last night.我昨晚碰到了一个奇怪的家伙。Here nature has carved out weird and wonderful shapes.大自然在此塑造出了怪异神奇的形状。There are a lot of weird ideas floating around at the moment.如今人们有很多奇怪的想法。There are a great number of rich but weird people in my fandom.在我的粉丝圈里,有许多有钱和古怪的人。I started to feel really weird.我开始感到十分奇怪。Something in the cupboard smells weird.碗柜里什么东西有股怪味。The witches moved in a weird dance.女巫们装神弄鬼地手舞足蹈。I'll tell you about this weird and horny dream I had of you.我要告诉你我做的一个关于你的怪异的春梦。There are some weird things going on in that house.那所房子里发生着一些古怪的事。She listens to some really weird music.她听一些非常怪异的音乐。I started to feel quite weird.我开始感到十分奇怪。The weird thing is, nobody else noticed.奇怪的是,没有别的人注意到。He was sitting alone by a window with a weird contraption on the table in front of him.他独自坐在窗边,面前的桌子上摆着个奇怪的装置。She's dating a really weird guy who's into witchcraft and black magic.她在和一个很古怪的家伙交往,那人对巫术和魔法很着迷。She has a reputation for coming up with weird and wonderful marketing ideas.她以提出新奇的营销创意而著称。That's weird - I thought I left my keys on the table but they're not there.真奇怪——我记得把钥匙放在桌子上了,但现在却不见了。The book contains some weird and wacky ideas for teaching kids about science.这本书是关于如何教授小孩科学知识的,有一些奇怪又滑稽的想法。You've been acting weird all week. What gives? 你这一周的表现都很奇怪。怎么回事?It must be really weird to be rich.成为有钱人感觉一定不同寻常。I avoid my weird neighbor like the plague.我极力回避我那古怪的邻居。It all sounds a little weird to me.对我来说这一切听起来有点儿离奇。There is a weird feeling about the place.这地方有一种神秘的气氛。




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