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Her eyes assumed a weary, indifferent look.她的眼里露出一种厌倦冷淡的神色。The weary horse plodded up the hill.疲惫不堪的马步履沉重地爬上山坡。The weary animal is lolling out its tongue.疲乏的牲口把舌头伸出口外。She grew weary of staying home.老待在家中,她感到厌烦了。I'll be glad to have a chance to rest my weary bones.我会很高兴有机会让疲惫的身体休息一下。The weary driver took another gulp of water.疲惫的司机又喝了一大口水。I think he's a little weary after his long journey.我想他在长途旅行后有些疲倦了。She sat down with a weary sigh.她疲倦地叹口气坐了下来。She spoke in a world-weary voice.她说起话来带着一种厌世的口气。Hearing that the train was running late, he sighed in weary resignation.听说火车晚点,他无可奈何地叹了口气。She found Rachel in the kitchen, looking old and weary.她发现雷切尔在厨房里,看上去苍老而疲惫。As expected, the gentleman grew weary of his new ladylove before long.不出意料之外,这位绅士不久就厌倦了他的新情妇。He was weary of the constant battle between them.他对他们之间不断的争斗感到厌倦了。The very thought made him weary.就是这个想法让他厌烦不已。She was weary from years of housework.多年的家务活儿让她感到厌倦。I'm weary of fighting. Let's try to get along.我讨厌争斗,我们尽量和睦相处吧。The inn is a haven for weary travelers.这个旅馆为疲惫的游客提供了一个憩息所。I was weary of being buffeted by life.我厌倦了生活的艰难坎坷。An all-night bout with the Gls left him weak and weary.一整夜闹肚子弄得他虚弱萎靡。At last, dispirited and weary, they gave up the search.最后他们灰心了,再加上劳累,就放弃了搜寻。They collapsed on to their beds, too weary to get changed.他们瘫倒在床上,累得连衣服都没换。She looks a little weary.她看上去有点儿疲倦。He managed a weary smile.他勉强挤出了一丝疲倦的笑容。His eyes assumed a weary, indifferent look.他眼中露出一种厌倦而满不在乎的神色。She was weary of being alone.她厌倦了独处。Horseback riding helped the weary statesman shed his tensions.骑马有助于使疲惫的政治家消除紧张。Police, weary and increasingly sour in mood, wonder aloud why the situation has been allowed to deteriorate.警察们疲惫不堪,心情也越来越糟糕,他们不禁满腹狐疑地问:为什么听凭情况不断地恶化下去?Children weary me with their constant questions and demands.孩子们整天不停地问这要那,真把我累坏了。They're getting awfully weary of this silly war.他们越来越厌烦这场无聊的战争。My head grew weary from trying to follow his arguments.努力让思路跟上他的论点使我非常疲倦。His face is weary beyond description.他一脸难以形容的疲惫。Some programs on television have degenerated into weary repetitions of each other.某些电视节目愈来愈糟,沉闷乏味,相互雷同。Prue heaved a weary sigh.普吕疲倦地叹了口气。When he returned, he looked pale and weary.他回来的时候,看上去苍白而疲惫。It was a long, weary journey.那是一个漫长的,令人疲惫不堪的旅程。He looked weary and bedraggled.他看上去又疲惫,又邋遢。The weary troops took heart and prepared to renew the fight.疲惫的队伍受到鼓舞,准备重新开始战斗。A weary sigh escaped him.他疲惫不堪,不自觉地叹了口气。After the hike the two were so weary they fell asleep immediately.远足后两人累得倒头便睡。She gave a long, weary sigh.她疲倦地长叹一声。 |