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词汇 weapon
例句 Lewis was tried for dangerously discharging a weapon.刘易斯因为危险使用武器而受审。The weapon was found lying in a ditch.那件武器被发现放在一条沟里。Success is the best weapon to silence scoffers.成功是让嘲笑者闭嘴的最好武器。No weapon was found at the scene of the crime.犯罪现场没有发现任何武器。He seized hold of the first weapon that came to hand.他抓住能拿到手的第一件武器。She pleaded guilty to carrying an offensive weapon.她对自己携带攻击性武器表示服罪。The most important piece of evidence, the murder weapon, has not been found.最重要的证据—凶器尚未找到。He had never handled a weapon before.他以前从未碰过武器。He began to inkle what a silly combat weapon it is.他开始有点明白这是一种多么愚蠢的作战武器。He surrendered his weapon to the police.他把武器交给了警方。The said weapon was later found in the defendant's home.上述武器后来在被告家中发现。He lunged at the burglar and wrestled with him for the weapon.他扑向盗贼,为夺取武器与之搏斗。They took him to the station and booked him for assault with a deadly weapon.他们把他带到警察局,把他用致命武器袭击他人的罪行记录在案。Police frogmen have been searching the lake looking for a weapon.警方的蛙人一直在湖中寻找一件凶器。The man fired from the car window when he was asked by a police officer to produce a license for the weapon.警察要求那人出示持枪证,他就从车窗里开了枪。Any student may be permanently expelled for coming to school with a weapon.任何携带武器上学的学生都可能被永远开除学籍。They suspected that he might be carrying a weapon and ordered a strip search.他们怀疑他可能携带武器,命令对其进行裸体搜查。He was charged with assault with a deadly weapon.他被控使用致命武器袭击他人。They were testing a new weapon then.当时他们在试验一件新武器。Ziegler revolved the weapon in his hands.齐格勒转了转手里的武器。The murder weapon, a kitchen knife, was found when police dragged a nearby pond.警方用拖网在附近的一个池塘里打捞起了凶器,是一把菜刀。He was arrested by police and charged with carrying an offensive weapon.他遭警方逮捕,被控携带攻击性武器。I assembled the weapon, checked the firing and recoil mechanism and loaded it.我把家伙组装起来,检查了一下击发和反冲机构,装上子弹。The police officer ordered him to stop and drop his weapon.警官命令他站住并放下武器。This weapon was used to disable two Royal Navy battleships.这种武器曾用于摧毁皇家海军两艘战列舰。I attack politicians with the one weapon they don't have, a sense of humor.我运用一种政客不具备的武器攻击他们,那就是幽默感。The spear is presumably the murder weapon.这支鱼叉可能就是凶器。They decided to use the weapon against the enemy.他们决定以武力御敌。His sword was a wicked weapon, three feet in length and razor-sharp.他那把剑绝对是一把好剑,有三英尺长,锋利无比。The mayor's campaign unleashed its secret weapon.市长的竞选活动动用了秘密武器。Spain has at last produced her trump card and used her most deadly weapon.斯佩恩最终亮出了她的绝招并使用了最致命的武器。The weapon tore into his flesh.武器穿进了他的肉里。Lewis was tried for unlawfully and dangerously discharging a weapon.刘易斯因非法和不安全的开枪而受到了审判。The police have almost solved the case but one important piece of the puzzle is still missing: the murder weapon.警方差不多已经解开整桩案件的谜底了,但还有一条重要线索未找到,那就是凶器。He disposed of the murder weapon.他销毁了杀人凶器。It is a secret weapon that will make us invincible.这是我们战无不胜的秘密武器。The sheer size of these dinosaurs was their main weapon.这些恐龙主要凭硕大的体型来御敌。The only weapon left in his armoury was indifference.他剩下的唯一法宝就是摆出一副无所谓的样子。The murder weapon was found outside the house.杀人凶器在屋外找到了。The strongest weapon in the government's armoury is the price cuts announced on Saturday.政府最有力的对策是在星期六宣布价格下调。




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