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词汇 waving
例句 The onlookers were shouting, cheering, and waving banners.观众叫喊着,欢呼着,挥动着横幅。All around me I saw tall trees waving in the wind.我看见四周的大树随风摇曳。Some maniac was running down the street waving a massive metal bar.有个疯子挥着一根粗粗的金属棍在街上奔跑。A crowd of people ran down the street waving banners.一群人挥舞着横幅,沿着街道一路奔走而去。The stranger spoke rapidly, waving his arms around.那个陌生人挥舞着双臂急急地说着。She turned and saw her daughter still waving to her.她回过身来,看见女儿还在向她挥手。They stood waving on the platform, until the train disappeared from view.他们站在月台上不停地挥手,直到火车从视野中消失。I try to imagine a field full of stingers waving in the breeze.我试着想象满满一田野的有刺植物在风中起伏的景象。A man was waving to them urgently from a first-floor window.有一个人从一楼窗户急切地向他们挥手。The real costs of the war have been ignored in the flag-waving of recent months.战争的真正代价在近几个月里所表现出的强烈民族情绪中被忽略了。They called to us from shore, waving their arms dramatically. 他们一边从岸上朝我们大喊,一边使劲朝我们挥手。He was waving his arms to draw their attention.他正挥手以引起他们的注意。He dashed towards them waving his spear.他挥舞着长矛冲向他们。The victors are waving to the crowd as they do their lap of honour.获胜者向人群挥着手绕场一周欢庆胜利。Velluci ran after the car waving his fists.维卢西挥着拳头追赶那辆汽车。Flags were waving in the breeze.旗帜在微风中飘扬。He pulled out a knife and started waving it around madly. 他拔出一把刀,发疯似的向周围挥舞着。Hundreds of banner-waving demonstrators took to the streets.几百名挥舞着标语的游行者涌上街头。Down in the streets people were waving madly.在下面的大街上,人们正在兴奋地挥手。She ran alongside the departing train, waving goodbye.她跟着开动的火车一边跑一边挥手告别。Dancers were waving glowsticks.跳舞的人挥动着荧光棒。He was waving his arms wildly.他激动地挥舞着手臂。They were waving placards and yammering about sexual discrimination.他们挥动着标语,大声抗议性别歧视。He hustled straight up the aircraft steps without looking round or waving goodbye.他急匆匆地径直登上飞机舷梯,没有环顾四周,也没有挥手告别。The players acknowledged their fans by waving their hands and blowing kisses into the crowd.选手们向自己的粉丝们挥手致意,抛去飞吻。I was waving my hand like mad but he never once looked in my direction.我疯狂地挥手,可他连看也没朝我这边看一眼。People were waving palms in the streets.人们在街道上挥舞着棕榈叶庆祝。The daydream was so engrossing that she almost failed to notice Peter waving to her from the other side of the road.她的白日梦做得那么专注,以至于几乎未注意到彼得在路对面向她招手。I could see a marshal on the finish line waving a yellow flag.我看到一名主事官在终点线摇动黄旗。The baby was waving around a plastic rattle.婴儿正挥舞着一个塑料拨浪鼓。He was waving his hand wildly, trying to attract Kovitsky's attention.他疯狂地挥着手,想引起科维茨基的注意。The speaker emphasized what he was saying by waving his hands.发言人挥舞双手强调他所说的。Party loyalists responded as they always do, waving flags and carrying placards.党的忠诚支持者们的反应一如既往,他们挥舞着旗帜,高举着标语牌。A tall, thin man was waving his arms in an effort to direct the movements of a large removal van.一个身材瘦高的男士正挥舞双臂想指挥一辆大型搬运车行驶。The route taken by the Queen was lined with crowds of people waving flags.女王经过的路线两旁站满了手中挥动着旗帜的人。The windows overlooked a lawn of tall waving grass.窗户外边是一块草地,高高的草随风摇摆。The streets of London seethed with a marching, cheering, flag-waving crowd.伦敦街头到处是摇旗呐喊的游行人群。Aid workers returning from the war zone reported seeing groups of rebels waving white flags.从战区回来的救援人员说,看见一群群叛乱分子挥舞着白旗。Traffic police stood at various points, waving the motorists onward.交警站在许多地方,打着手势让司机往前开。Who's that waving at you?那个在向你挥手的人是谁呀?




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