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We'll have to get a plumber in to look at that water tank.我们得请水暖工来检查一下那个水箱。There is a hole in the bottom of the water tank,and the water has been leaking away.水箱底部有一个洞,一直在漏水。If you lag your hot water tank, you'll save money on your fuel bills.如果你给热水箱装上外套,你就可以少付燃料费帐了。The hot water tank should be insulated with proper insulating materials.热水箱应该使用适宜的隔热材料进行保温处理。The bottom of the water tank had been punctured.水箱的底部被戳破了。Never leave young children unattended near any pool or water tank.千万不能放任小孩呆在水池或水槽附近不管。The naval architect tested scale models of his design in a water tank.造船工程师把自己设计的缩尺模型在水池里做试验。Every apartment house has a water tank on its roof.每栋公寓房子都有一个水塔。If you lag your hot water tank, you'll save money on fuel bills.如果给热水箱装上绝热层,就能节省燃料费。He inspected the water tank carefully for cracks.他仔细检查水箱是否存在裂缝。 |