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词汇 waters
例句 The British Government may be in stormy economic waters.英国政府可能陷入了严重的经济困难。The waters continued to rise.水位持续上升。The boat was pitching up and down in the rough waters.船在波涛汹涌的水中上下颠簸。Many boats fish these waters.许多小船在这些水域捕鱼。Flood waters washed away one of the main bridges.洪水冲垮了一座主要的桥梁。St Lucia depends on its clean coastal waters for its income.圣卢西亚岛的收入靠的是其清洁的近海水域。The waters of the tropics are invitingly clear.热带水域清澈诱人。Divers probed the murky waters inch by inch.潜水员一英寸一英寸地探索漆黑的水域。As instructed, I cut my lifeline to the bank and leapt into unproven waters.像指示的那样,我把我的生命线系到了银行上跳进了这未知的领域里。The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters.这艘船将继续呆在中国领海之外。Ferries churn the waters of Howe Sound from Langdale to Horseshoe Bay.渡船搅起豪湾的海水,从兰代尔驶向霍斯舒湾。The number of warships stationed outside European waters roughly doubled.部署在欧洲水域之外的战舰数量差不多增加了一倍。The submarine had strayed into Russian waters.潜艇误闯进了俄罗斯海域。My waters broke at six in the morning and within four hours Jamie was born.我的羊水是早上六点破的,不到四小时杰米就出生了。Several different species of fish inhabit these turbid shallow waters.有几种鱼生活在这些浑浊的浅水域中。We don't want to enter the troubled waters of race and religion.我们不想卷入种族和宗教的纷争。Peter broke his waters on a Sunday.彼得出生在一个星期天。These waters are a hunting ground for sharks.这片水域是鲨鱼的猎食天堂。The bridge threatened to give way as the flood waters rose.随着洪水上涨,桥有倒塌的危险。The river poured its waters through the breach.河水从缺口倾泻而出。They dragged the waters for fish.他们用拖网在这一带水域捕鱼。The waters were rising about the rock and would soon submerge it.水快涨到跟岩石一样高了,很快就会淹没它。When you become anxious you are entering uncharted waters, uncharted for you at least.感觉焦虑表明你进入的是新领域,至少对你而言是新领域。She's testing the waters for a presidential bid.她正试探着竞选总统。As the boat plodded into British waters and up the English Channel, Customs had their eye on her.那艘船缓慢驶入英国水域,沿英吉利海峡向北时,海关一直密切关注着它。The ships had travelled thousands of miles through hostile waters to converge in the Atlantic.舰队穿过敌方水域行驶了几千英里来到大西洋会师。They were trolling the colder waters of the Channel.他们在海峡的寒冷水域采用曳绳钓鱼。Eventually the flood waters began to subside.洪水终于开始消退了。Anna looked out across the still waters of the lake.安娜向外朝湖面上静止不动的湖水望去。The battle took place in neutral waters.战斗发生在中立国海域。They say some monster pike lurk in the big waters of Wabamun.他们说有一只巨型狗鱼潜伏于沃伯门湖辽阔的水域中。The lake was quiet, its waters aripple.湖面静悄悄,湖水微波荡漾。The boy lacked the character to swim in cold waters during the winter.这男孩缺乏在冰冷的水里冬泳的毅力。Many of the crew died a terrible death as they thrashed about in shark-infested waters.很多船员在鲨鱼成群的水域中拼命挣扎,死状惨不忍睹。The flood waters have risen to unprecedented levels.洪水已升至历史最高水位。This ship was designed expressly for exploring the Arctic waters.这艘船是为考察北极水域而特意设计的。A courier reported that the Russian and the Spanish fleets had sailed for these waters.情报员报导俄国和西班牙舰队已向这个海域出航。The wind made the lake waters billow onto the beach.大风吹得湖水汹涌地扑向浅滩。The British Government may be in stormy economic waters.英国政府可能陷入了动荡的经济困境中。A year or two ago I found myself indulging in a spot of yachting in Finnish waters.一两年前,我曾有一阵子迷上了在芬兰海域驾艇出游。




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