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词汇 water down
例句 They had piped the water down.他们已用管道把水引到下面。You can water down a glass of wine and make it last twice as long.你可以往杯里的葡萄酒中掺点水,当两杯来喝。The milk has been watered down.这牛奶被搀水稀释了。She poured the bucket of dirty water down the drain.她把那桶脏水倒到下水道里。Proposed legislation affecting bird-keepers has been watered down.影响养鸟者的立法提案的措词已经缓和一些了。It tastes as if it's been watered down.尝起来好像是兑水了。A system of channels carries water down from the mountains to irrigate the soil.一套水渠系统引水下山,灌溉土地。We watered down the wine so as to eke it out for the remainder of the evening.我们在酒里搀了水,以便晚上剩下的时间里有东西喝。It's a very good whisky. Much too good to water down.这种威士忌酒很好,太好了,不能掺水。Someone watered down the punch.有人掺水稀释了潘趣酒。He had to water down the lecture for the younger students.为了照顾低年级学生,他只好简化讲座内容。Proposed legislation affecting bankers has been watered down.拟议中会损害银行家利益的法规已经被削弱了。The report of the investigation had been watered down.调查报告已经打过折扣了。The movie watered down the lessons of the book.电影淡化了书中体现的教训。Don't forget to water down the wine.别忘了把酒冲淡。Some of the more forthright sections were watered down by the editors.一些更直接的部分被编辑淡化了。The English teacher watered down the course for the slow-learning students.英语老师简化了慢班的课程内容。The whisky has been watered down.这威士忌被搀水了。His report has been watered down so as not to offend anyone.为了不激怒任何人,他的报告改得缓和了一点。 I'm sure they water down the tomato ketchup at school.我肯定他们给学校的番茄酱掺水。The party has watered down its ideals in order to appeal to the centre ground.为了吸引中间力量,该党已经淡化了其理想。




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