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词汇 waste
例句 The government frowns at any waste of taxpayers' money.政府反对任何浪费纳税人税金的行为。The rivers became polluted as the result of industrial waste.工业废物污染了河流。There's so much lovely food here, it would be a sin to waste it.这里有这么多的美食,浪费的话真是罪过。Toxic waste could endanger lives.有毒废弃物可能危害生命。I don't intend to waste any more time listening to you talk nonsense.我才不想浪费时间听你讲废话呢。The show was a waste of money. 这场演出就是糟蹋钱。The city oversees waste disposal contracts.市城府负责监督废弃物处理合约的履行。Why waste your time trying to convince him? He won't change his mind.为什么要浪费时间说服他?他不会改变主意的。Try to avoid unnecessary waste.尽量避免不必要的浪费。The government is trying to stop hospitals incinerating their own waste.政府正设法阻止医院自行焚烧垃圾废物。It seems a shame to waste this good food.糟蹋了这么好的食物真可惜。Toxic waste is being dumped into the ocean.有毒废弃物不断被倒进海里。Companies must call a halt to the dumping of toxic waste at sea.所有公司必须停止倾倒有毒废料入海的行为。It seems a shame to waste all this food.浪费掉所有这些食物似乎很可惜。There is a danger of serious contamination from radioactive waste.放射性废弃物有可能造成严重污染。The discussion centred around reducing waste.讨论围绕着减少浪费而展开。The waste is safely locked away until it is no longer radioactive.废料在失去放射性之前被妥善封存。She is very efficient in reducing waste.她减少损耗的本事很大。Many people think that complaining about bad service is a waste of time.许多人都觉得抱怨服务不佳纯属浪费时间。It's important to recycle household waste.循环利用家庭垃圾是很重要的。Turn the electricity off, or it will waste while you are out.把电源切断,不然你外出时就会白白浪费电。More people are dumping waste illegally.越来越多的人在非法倾倒垃圾。The disaster had laid waste to the village.灾害使村庄变得一片荒芜。 The city council has to find a better way of dealing with domestic waste. One answer is to burn it.市议会必须想出更好的办法来处理家居垃圾问题,其中一个办法就是焚烧。Composting is the ideal way of getting rid of vegetable, garden and organic waste.制造堆肥是处理菜根菜叶、败花朽木和有机废物的理想方式。Personally I think it's a waste of time.在我看来,这是浪费时间。It should include a review of energy usage and, where applicable, the production and disposal of waste.它应该包括对能耗的检查结果,适当时还应包括对垃圾的产生和处理的审查结果。The waste water discharges directly into the river.废水直接排入河里。The government decided to prohibit the import of toxic waste.政府决定禁止有毒废品的进口。His body had been dumped in an area of waste ground just outside the city.他的尸体被胡乱地抛在了城外的一片荒地里。The suicide was described as a senseless waste of a young woman's life.这起自杀案被人形容为一个年轻女子对生命毫无意义的浪费。I'd like to go to bat for you on this, but it's a waste of effort.我很想就此为你辩护,但那是白费力气。What a waste of time!真是浪费时间!Don't waste your money; put it to some good purpose.别浪费你的钱;把钱花在多少有点价值的地方。A new centre for research on toxic waste was inaugurated today at Imperial College.新建的有毒废物研究中心今天在皇家学院举行落成典礼。Please throw your waste paper in here.请把废纸扔进这里。Take as much food as you want, just so you don't waste any food.你需要多少食物就拿多少,只是你不要浪费。Large areas lie waste for lack of manpower.由于缺少人力,大片空地未得到开垦。 Think what a waste of taxpayers' money the whole exercise was.想想整个做法对纳税人的钱是多大的浪费。Liquid and solid waste is collected in the tank.液体和固体废物集中在箱罐里。




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