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词汇 washing machine
例句 I've measured the space, and with a bit of luck, the washing machine should just about go into it.这地方我量了一下,如果运气好,洗衣机应该刚刚放得进去。The washing machine isn't operating properly.洗衣机运转不正常。With proper care, the washing machine should last for years.保养得当的话,这台洗衣机应该可以使用很多年。This new washing machine isn't a patch on our old one.这台新洗衣机远不如我们那台旧的。The washing machine totally seized up on Thursday.星期四的时候洗衣机彻底坏掉了。I put a load into the washing machine.我把要洗的一堆衣服放进洗衣机里。Be careful not to overload the washing machine.注意别让洗衣机负荷过重。It's such a hassle not having a washing machine.没有洗衣机真是麻烦。Her washing machine tends to fray edges on intricate designs.她的洗衣机经常会把织物上的一些复杂图案的边缘磨坏。Throw your dirty clothes in the washing machine.把你的脏衣服扔进洗衣机。I could hear the washing machine whirring in the kitchen.我能听见厨房里洗衣机的嗡嗡声。There is a washing machine in the basement of the building.大楼的地下室里有台洗衣机。When the washing machine spurts out water at least we can mop it up.洗衣机溅出水时,我们至少可以把它擦干。The plumber shorted the washing machine.水管工把洗衣机弄短路了。He had a washing machine plumbed in.他已把洗衣机的各种管子都接好了。I plumbed in the washing machine.我给洗衣机接上了水管。That washing machine doesn't work. It's been disconnected.那台洗衣机不运转,电源被切断了。He diddled with the washing machine, but it still wouldn't work.他摆弄了一番,但洗衣机还是不运转。The washing machine has been a great help.有了洗衣机省事多了。Our new washing machine is much quieter than the old one.我们的新洗衣机比旧的那台声音要小许多。The washing machine business sprang leaks.洗衣机行业情况不妙。My sweater got mangled in the washing machine.我的毛衣被洗衣机绞坏了。The washing machine is making a funny noise again.洗衣机又发出奇怪的声响了。Has the new washing machine arrived yet?新洗衣机送到了没有?Our washing machine is kaput. 我们的洗衣机坏了。They do several other models of washing machine.他们还生产其他几种型号的洗衣机。A washing machine is one of the many modern conveniences.洗衣机是多种现代化设备之一。We had to move the washing machine out to get at the wiring behind it.我们只得把洗衣机挪出来才能够到后面的电源线。Allowing for normal wear and tear, a washing machine should last at least ten years.在正常损耗的情况下,一台洗衣机至少应该使用十年。Remember to go through the pockets before you put those trousers in the washing machine.在把裤子放进洗衣机之前,要记着仔细翻翻裤兜。Our washing machine was working perfectly, and then suddenly it went kaput. 我们的洗衣机原来用得好好的,后来突然就坏了。I collected up the dirty washing and bundled it into the washing machine.我把脏衣服放在一起,塞进洗衣机。The washing machine gurgled as it changed cycles.洗衣机换方向旋转的时候发出汩汩的水声。Our washing machine broke down yesterday and flooded the kitchen.我们的洗衣机昨天坏了,把厨房里弄得到处是水。We bought a new washing machine. The old one was forever breaking down.我们买了一台新的洗衣机,旧的那台老是坏掉。She dismantled the washing machine to see what the problem was, but couldn't put it back together again.她拆开洗衣机想看看出了什么问题,但是却装不起来了。It's a common or garden washing machine, but it works perfectly well.这是台很普通的洗衣机,只有基本功能,但用起来没有一点儿毛病。When the washing machine spurts out water, at least we can mop it up.洗衣机喷水的时候,我们至少可以把水擦干。I often run the washing machine more than once a day.我经常一天不止一次使用洗衣机。The washing machine was faulty.洗衣机坏了。




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