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例句 His appearance in the show was nothing less than a sensation.他在节目中出现引起了不小的轰动。He was a philatelist, and those rare stamps made his mouth water.他是个集邮家,那些罕见的邮票使他垂涎三尺。 It looks like an innocent bystander was killed instead of you.看来是某个无辜的路人被杀,而你却得以幸免了。The ruthless obliteration of Anglo-Saxon culture by the Norman conquerors was nearly absolute.诺曼征服者无情地摧毁了盎格鲁-撒克逊文化,这基本上是不容置疑的。Yesterday's performance was a ripsnorter.昨天的演出真是呱呱叫。He scrutinized the men's faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was lying.他仔细端详这些男人的脸,想弄清谁在撒谎。There was something about her tone of voice that made him uneasy.她的语调中有点什么让他很不自在。All she wanted was to get married and live happily ever after.她所期望的就是结婚,然后幸福地生活。I headed to the registration desk to find out where the talk was.我走向登记处询问会谈在哪里进行。There was a lady jogging down by the water with her dog.有位女士带着狗在河边慢跑。He was single-hearted in his aim.他的目标始终如一。The paper was accused of distorting the truth.这家报纸被指控歪曲真相。After everyone else denied any responsibility, he owned that he was at fault.在其他人都否认负有责任后,他承认是他的错。Three months after I bought it, a friend who works at the museum told me it was probably a fake.我买下那件东西三个月后,一个在博物馆工作的朋友告诉我这可能是假货。The government was prepared to submit the dispute to arbitration.政府已准备就这一争端提请调停。Her car was ticketed for being a little over a white line.她的汽车因稍稍超过白线而被贴上违章通知。Berlusconi was the owner of a powerful media empire.贝卢斯科尼拥有一个势力强大的媒体王国。He was already living on borrowed time, for three times shells had freakishly left him untouched.他侥幸活了下来,三次炮弹都神奇地没有炸到他。He knew that he was out of condition and it would be risky to attempt the climb.他知道自己身体状况不好,爬那座山可能很危险。The army was encamped beneath the castle walls.部队在城墙下安营。Caroline was haunted by a fear of cancer.卡罗琳因担心患癌症而老是提心吊胆。The store was out of the paint I wanted.这家商店卖完了我要的油漆。The most common criticism was that he was always late.对他最多的批评就是他总是迟到。I was surprised by her rudeness.她的无礼让我感到惊讶。She thought the performance was just average.她觉得这场演出的水平一般。The report was highly critical of the company's poor safety record.报告严厉批评了该公司糟糕的安全记录。His speech was nothing but a collection of inanities.他的讲话只不过是蠢话连篇。The seduction of rich men was a game that she loved to play.勾引富人是她钟爱的一个游戏。It was murder to travel on the overcrowded trains.乘坐超载拥挤的火车旅行真是活受罪。There was a UN ban on military flights over Bosnia.联合国对波斯尼亚实行军事禁飞。Lillian was coming down the ramp from the museum.莉莲正从博物馆那边的斜坡上走下来。It was woeful to see him spoiling the painting.眼见他毁坏那幅油画真叫人惋惜。Mrs. Tina Wood's maiden name was Miss Tina Weller.蒂娜‧伍德太太的婚前姓名是蒂娜‧韦勒小姐。The stew was a conglomeration of fish, potatoes, and vegetables.那道炖菜是鱼、土豆和蔬菜做的杂烩。The plane was filled to bursting.飞机装得满满的。He was not a well man by the look of him.从外表看来,他身体不好。John was regarded as a standout because of his stubbornness.因为其顽固,约翰被认为是个固持己见的人。He was a radical when he was young, but now he's much more moderate.他年轻时是个激进分子,但现在温和多了。The luggage was secured tightly to the top of the car.行李牢牢捆在车顶上了。The movie was kind of a disappointment.那部电影有些让人失望。




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