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词汇 warehouse
例句 The flames were licking the warehouse.火焰正吞卷仓库。The goods are dispatched from a warehouse.商品从仓库派送。They made a complete riddance of the mice in the warehouse.他们把仓库里的老鼠消灭光了。The warehouse is being used to store food and clothes for the refugees.这座仓库用来存放分发给难民的食品与衣服。I was forced to sleep rough that night in a disused warehouse.那晚我不得不在一个废弃的仓库里随便找个地方睡。Two weeks later, police found the loot hidden in an abandoned warehouse.两个星期之后,警方发现赃物藏在一个废弃的仓库里。The goods were stored away at the back of the warehouse.货物被存放在仓库后部。All the fruit is taken to the warehouse where it is graded and packed.所有水果都会运到仓库里分级和包装。The supplies had been looted from the warehouse.仓库的物资被盗。I can spend the whole day undisturbed at the warehouse.我可以一整天都呆在仓库里而不受打扰。The gallery in north London used to be a warehouse.伦敦北部的这家画廊过去是个仓库。The bulk of the warehouse belittles the houses around it.库房之大使周围的房屋相形见小。The stamps were delivered to the warehouse in sackloads.那种邮票大包大包地运往仓库。The offices are situated in a converted warehouse.办公室是由一个仓库改建而成的。Vandals set fire to an empty warehouse near the docks last night.昨夜破坏公物者放火将码头附近的一个空仓库烧毁了。We bought both sofas from a big furniture warehouse out of town.这两张沙发都是我们在城外的一家大型家具店里买的。The boxes are stacked in a warehouse.这些箱子被堆放在一个仓库里。Instead of being distributed, the food was unloaded and stored away in a warehouse.食物没有分发,卸下车后就储藏在一个仓库内。Her body was found dumped in a derelict warehouse less than a mile from her home.在距离她家不到一英里的一座废弃仓库里发现了她遭弃的尸体。The paintings were destroyed in a warehouse conflagration in New Orleans.这些画作在新奥尔良的一场仓库大火中被烧毁。This warehouse is not adequately protected against theft or vandalism.这仓库没有足够的防盗或防破坏的措施。The dogs pursued their quarry into an empty warehouse.那几条狗追逐着猎物进了一座空仓库。Firefighters tackled a warehouse blaze.消防队员处理仓库火灾。Somebody set the warehouse aflame.有人放火烧仓库。A fire broke out in the warehouse and raged unchecked for over two hours.仓库里起了火,大火熊熊,不受控制地燃烧了两个多小时。The stolen paintings have been successfully traced to a London warehouse.失窃的画已成功地在伦敦的一个仓库中找到。Don't forget to lock up the warehouse.别忘了锁上仓库的门。The warehouse bought the pieces as a job lot.仓库成批购入单件货物。He offered to truck the goods to the warehouse.他主动提出用卡车将货物运送到仓库去。The fire spread from the factory to the warehouse nearby.火从工厂蔓延到了附近的仓库。They pulled down the warehouse to build a new supermarket.他们拆掉了仓库来建一个新超市。They offered me a job packing goods in a warehouse.他们给了我一份在仓库装箱的工作。They smashed a side door to get in and then torched the warehouse when they had taken what they wanted.他们从侧门破门而入,在拿走了他们所要的东西后将仓库付之一炬。The relief supplies are being flown from a warehouse in Pisa.救济物资正从比萨的一个仓库空运过来。Firefighters were called to a blaze at a warehouse yesterday.消防队员昨天被叫到仓库灭火。The crates were packed on skids and taken to the warehouse.板条箱被装在滑动垫木上送往仓库。The robbers were holed up in a deserted warehouse.那些强盗藏身于一座废弃的仓库中。The dog was a useful rat catcher in the warehouse.狗是仓库中有用的捕鼠能手。The caretaker of the warehouse was trustworthy.那个看管仓库的人是很可靠的。The work space is a bare and cavernous warehouse.工作场地是个空荡荡的大仓库。




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