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词汇 war
例句 Today we remember the brave who died in the last war.今天我们要纪念在上一场战争中英勇牺牲的人。The threat of war overhung mankind then.当时战争威胁著人类。The war had wiped out the family savings.战争夺走了这家人的全部积蓄。It is inconceivable that two nations so friendly for centuries should now be at war.难以让人相信,几世纪来一直友好相处的两个国家现在竟然兵戎相见。The outbreak of war put an end to their romance.战争的爆发结束了他俩的恋爱。The country's borders were redrawn after the war. 这个国家的边界在战后被重新划定。A price war looks likely now that a leading supermarket has thrown down the gauntlet to its competitors.一场价格战似乎一触即发,因为一个龙头超级市场已经向对手们发出了挑战。It pisses me off when they start moaning about going to war.当他们开始对开战表示不满时,我很恼火。The threat of war has been enough to unsettle international oil traders.战争的威胁足以引起国际油商的不安。Some late news of the war has just come in.刚刚收到一些有关战争的新消息。If it hadn't been for the war, Larry would have stayed on the farm.要不是那场战争,拉里就会一直留在农场。During the war, she sought asylum in Spain.战争期间,她在西班牙寻求庇护。The president made a radio broadcast to mark the end of the war.总统发表广播讲话庆贺战争的结束。During a war the interests of the state are paramount, and those of the individual come last.战争时期国家利益是首要的,个人利益置于最后。If the war escalates, then you can kiss all thought of negotiations goodbye.如果战争升级,你那关于谈判的一切想法都只得作罢。It is feared that the civil unrest we are now witnessing in this country could lead to full-scale civil war.我们害怕现在国内出现的骚乱会升级为全面内战。Domestic opinion had turned against the war.国内舆论已转而反对战争。Many people have seen the horrors of war at first hand.许多人亲眼目睹过战争的恐怖。The government's attempts to quell serious popular unrest led to civil war.政府试图镇压严重的民众骚乱,结果引发了内战。The once friendly countries became adversaries in the war.这些一度十分友好的国家在战争中成了敌对国。By a cruel irony, he died in a crash while returning home from the war.他从战场归来时因飞机失事而丧生,这样的讽刺真是太残忍了。L'Oreal wins bidding war for Maybelline.欧莱雅公司竞购美宝莲公司获得成功。The long war exhausted the country.长期的战争使那个国家民穷财尽。It's a powerful indictment of the horrors of war and man's inhumanity to man.这是对战争的恐怖以及人与人之间非人行径的强有力控诉。How can a loving, omnipotent God permit disease, war and suffering?慈爱、万能的主怎么会允许疾病、战争和苦难的存在?Talks have stalled and both sides are preparing for war.会谈陷于停顿,双方都在备战。Aid workers returning from the war zone reported seeing groups of rebels waving white flags.从战区回来的救援人员说,看见一群群叛乱分子挥舞着白旗。The war scarcely touched our town.咱们的小镇几乎未受战事波及。The second world war kindled his enthusiasm for politics.第二次世界大战激起了他的政治热情。They would now find some dubious pretext to restart the war.他们现在会找个蹩脚的借口重新发动战争。We knew that war might break out at any moment.我们知道战争可能随时爆发。The war on poverty requires a commitment of resources from the developing nations.向贫困开战需要发展中国家资源上的投入。Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico, but after the war Spain ceded the island to America.在波多黎各的战事很短暂;但是战争结束后,西班牙将该岛屿割让给了美国。He was a tireless campaigner for the peace movement during the cold war.冷战期间,他是和平运动的一名坚持不懈的活动家。What did your father do in the war?在战争中你父亲做什么?The country has been ravaged by civil war for the last 10 years.过去十年来这个国家一直饱受内战的蹂躏。He was a Nazi war criminal.他是一名纳粹战犯。American troops found themselves fighting a guerrilla war.美军发现自己是在打游击战。They won the battle, only to lose the war. 他们赢得了这场战役,却输掉了整个战争。Essentially, we are talking about the cold war period.我们基本上是在谈论冷战时期。




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