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词汇 walks
例句 For the girls, nature study was an occasion for lazy walks.对女孩子而言,自然课是可以慵懒地散步的机会。They go for decorous walks every day in parks with their nanny.他们每天都会和保姆到公园散步,表现得很有教养。The concrete will take several hours to set, so make sure no one walks on it.混凝土需要几个小时凝固,所以不要让人在上面走。He walks two miles to work every morning.他每天早晨步行两英里去上班。He walks the dog at least three times a day.他每天至少遛三次狗。She walks with a limp owing to a childhood injury.因儿时受过伤,她走路一瘸一拐的。He never walks anywhere. He always drives.他从不步行去任何地方。他总是开车去。Edward still walks with a perceptible limp.爱德华走路时还是看得出来跛的样子。I love going for walks in the countryside.我喜欢在乡间散步。He walks with a springy step.他走起路来轻快有力。He formed the habit of taking long solitary walks through the streets.他养成了在街头长时间独自漫步的习惯。Volunteers from all walks of life are feeling put upon.来自各行各业的志愿者们感到被欺骗了。She used to go for long walks collecting birds' eggs.她以往常常走得很远去采集鸟蛋。He walks a road filled with shadow and doubt.他的人生路上充满了阴影和怀疑。She walks along with her nose in the air barely deigning to notice us ordinary mortals.她目中无人地朝前走着,几乎不愿屈尊看我们这些凡人一眼。Emily enjoyed her walks in the park with her father.埃米莉喜欢和父亲一起在公园里散步。She walks the dog for an hour every afternoon.她每天下午都遛一小时狗。He walks every day to work the extra weight off.他每天散步以减去多余的体重。I get the creeps every time he walks by.每次他从我身边走过,我都感到心里发毛。It says in the guide that this area offers some of the best walks in England.旅行指南上说这一乡村地区有几条英格兰最好的徒步线路。He's got arthritis and walks with a shuffle.他得了关节炎,走路时拖着脚。The tension in the office just dissolves when she walks out.她出去之后,办公室里的紧张气氛顿时烟消云散。Whenever Suzie walks into a room all the men immediately turn their heads.苏茜无论什么时候走进屋子,所有的男人都会立即回过头来看她。Geoff wants a Walkman for when he walks the dogs.杰夫想要一部随身听在遛狗的时候听。I can always recognize him from far away by/from the way he walks.根据他走路的姿势我总能远远地认出他来。He makes a list of what he needs and then walks into the store and buys it, without looking around at all.他把需要的东西列了一张清单,然后就到商店去买,完全没有到处逛。He looks old and walks with a stick.他看起来上了年纪,走路时拄着拐杖。For the girls, nature study was an occasion for lazy walks and idle picnics.对姑娘们来说,博物课是一次懒散地漫步和野餐的机会。If you try to convert him, you could find he just walks away.如果你试图改变他的信仰,他就会走开。She got into the habit of going for long walks by herself.她养成了一个人长时间散步的习惯。I went for long, contemplative walks by the river.我在河边走了很久,边走边思考。He walks with a stick.他拄着拐杖走路。There's a walled rose garden, lawns and tree-lined walks to enjoy.有一个带围墙的玫瑰园,成片的草坪和绿树成荫的步行道供人们游赏。The book contains walks you can do in half a day.这本书提供了一些半天时间可以走完的路线。The hotel is ideally situated for country walks.宾馆坐落的位置非常适合乡间散步。She's very good at making friends with people from all walks of life.她很善于结交各行各业的朋友。Grandpa still walks without a stick.爷爷走路仍不拄拐杖。She's into long walks in the woods when it's pissing with rain.下大雨时,她在树林里走了很久了。She walks on the elliptical trainer for two hours every day to stay fit.她每天在滑步机走上两个小时以保持身材。He often took long walks in the hills.他经常在山上长时间散步。




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