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词汇 waiting list
例句 She's been on the waiting list for nearly a year and still hasn't got a date for her surgery.她一直等待了将近一年,但还没有约到手术日期。The country club has a two-year waiting list to become a member. 那家乡村俱乐部得等两年才能成为会员。We're on the waiting list for membership of the golf club.我们在那家高尔夫俱乐部的候选会员名单中。We acquired a waiting list for works by these artists.我们得到了一份等待这些艺术家作品的人员名单。I'm afraid the English course is already full, and there is a waiting list.不好意思,英语课程已经满了,还有一张等候者名单。There is still a three-month waiting list for the cars.要买汽车还要再等三个月。A lot of people want to join, so there's a long waiting list.许多人都想加入,因此出现了长长的等候名单。There were 20,000 people on the waiting list for a home.名单上有两万人等着分房。I'll put your name on the waiting list.我会把你列入等候者名单的。




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