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词汇 vote
例句 He has won a vote of confidence but only by a slender majority.他以微弱多数赢得了信任票。The proposal was defeated by just one vote.该提案仅以一票之差被否决。He said a vote for Labour would be a vote for economic suicide.他说投工党的票等于是自毁经济。In the last days before the vote, both sides are saturating the airwaves.选举前最后几天,竞选双方占用了所有的广播电台和电视台。The vote defied the wishes of the Labour leadership.这次表决违背了工党领导人的意愿。The Committee is expected to vote momentarily on the nomination.委员会有望很快就此提名进行表决。A call for a vote of no-confidence in the president was rejected.对总统进行不信任投票的请求被否决。I generally vote a split ticket.我一般投分裂票。Each person must vote according to his or her own conscience.每个人都应当按照自己的良心投票。Many of those who didn't cast ballots said it was inconvenient to vote.许多没投票的人说投票不方便。They cannot join forces to vote her out of office.他们不能联合起来通过投票表决让她下台。I wasn't old enough to vote in the last election.上次选举时,我还没有达到投票年龄。The vote passed, no thanks to the mayor. 投票通过了,但并非市长的功劳。A vote for us is not a wasted vote.投我们的票是不会白投的。The group has been canvassing neighborhoods to ask people to vote for him.这个团体一直在邻近地区为他拉选票。Congress will vote on a procedural matter/bill.国会将对程序性问题/议案进行表决。Private polls and embassy reports pointed to a no vote.私人民意调查和使馆报告表明投票结果将会是否决。He was elected with a huge popular vote to the Congress.他以很高的选民票数当选国会议员。The first step in empowering the poorest sections of society is making sure they vote.帮助社会最贫困阶层掌握自己命运的第一步就是要确保他们能够参加投票。Union leaders had urged miners to vote in favour of an overtime ban.工会领导人呼吁矿工投票支持加班禁令。Pfeifer was the top vote-getter in last year's election.在去年的选举中法伊弗获得最高票数。Did you vote in the last election?上次大选你投票了吗?Please vote and make your voices heard!请参与投票,表达您的意愿。Why do you think we should have a vote on that?.为什么你认为我们应该对那件事进行表决?She believes that someday people will be able to vote at home on their computers.她相信有朝一日人们将可以在家里用电脑进行投票选举。The minister resigned last night after a stunning defeat in Sunday's vote.在周日的选举中意外惨败后,部长于昨晚辞职。The prime minister will resign if the vote goes against him.如果投票结果对总理不利的话,总理将辞职。Bush had courted the military vote.布什争取过军方的选票。Last week they tried to oust him in a parliamentary vote of no confidence.上周,他们试图通过议会的不信任投票将他免职。They now want to challenge the validity of the vote.他们现在意图质疑投票结果的合法性。Guests will have the opportunity to cast a vote for their favourite act.嘉宾有机会为他们最喜爱的表演投票。If you ask me, failing to vote is downright un-American.依我说,不去投票是极不符合美国传统的做法。The opposition has called for a vote of no confidence in the government.反对党号召发起对政府的不信任投票。The jury cast their vote by secret ballot.陪审团以无记名投票的方式表决。Is it surprising that young people who are politically illiterate do not bother to vote?对政治一窍不通的年轻人不屑于参加选举,这有什么奇怪?It seems many people would vote for the government if there was a new leader.如果有一个新领导人的话,似乎许多人都会投票支持政府。And if the President doesn't make things better, other voters say, we'll vote him out, too.其他选民说,如果总统不能使情况有所好转,他们也会投票把他赶下台去。They are trying to force a vote on this issue.他们正力促就此事举行投票表决。The bill has been sent up to the Senate for a vote.议案已提交给参议院表决。The vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the Democratic Party.压倒多数的选票投给了民主党。




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