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词汇 visiting
例句 The Dutch developed a custom by which children put out shoes which Saint Nicholas would fill with gifts when he came visiting.荷兰人有一套自己的风俗,孩子们会将鞋子放在外面,圣诞老人到来时便会在里面装满礼品。You cannot go home without visiting the fabled art collections of the Prado.普拉多美术馆充满传奇色彩的艺术藏品属于旅游时的必看之选。She gave him a heads-up that the company's president will be visiting the office.她提前给他报信说公司总裁要来办公室参观。The actress was accorded all the deference of a visiting celebrity.对来访名人应予的一切尊重,这位女演员都享受到了。When I was a child, I used to hate being kissed by visiting relatives.我小时候很讨厌到访我们家的亲戚亲我。We spent the day visiting temples and other historic buildings.我们白天参观了寺庙以及其他历史建筑。She is visiting her aunt in New York.她正在纽约探望姨妈。He'd made it seem rather a lark, to be visiting a supposedly haunted house.他把到一间据说闹鬼的屋子探访说得好像多有意思似的。We all had to attend a reception for some visiting dignitaries.我们都得参加一个为一些达官贵人举行的招待会。He flipped his visiting card onto the table.他随手把名片丢在桌子上。He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Jordan.他是约旦大学的地质学客座教授。When these local hoteliers charge visiting foreigners, the sky is the limit.这些当地的旅馆老板向来访的外国人索费时,那真叫漫天要价。Grandma always has a few titbits for the children if they're visiting at lunchtime.孩子们在午餐时间去看望奶奶时,她总有一些美味小吃给他们。To start with, the governor made a short speech welcoming the visiting dignitaries.首先,州长作了简短的讲话欢迎来访的达官贵人。A party of Japanese businessmen will be visiting the factory next week.一队日本商人将于下周来工厂访问。I delight in the prospect of visiting Beijing.我欣喜地期待着访问北京。She scampered off on her visiting round.她匆匆出去作巡回访问。The American couple complained about the high cost of visiting Europe.这对美国夫妇抱怨到欧洲旅行的花销太高。The government laid on an enormous state dinner in honour of the visiting premier.政府为来访的总理设盛大国宴。We are visiting schools to explain the operation of the new exam system.我们正深入到各个学校,对新的考试制度的运作进行解释。The Queen was visiting York the day that you were born.你出生的那一天女王正在约克视察。One of the policemen from the drug unit will be visiting local schools.缉毒科的一名警员将访问当地学校。It seems the whole country is getting ready to welcome the visiting president.似乎整个国家都在为欢迎来访的总统作准备。He's visiting his ailing father.他去探望病中的父亲。The idea for the new advertising campaign came to me while I was visiting Thailand.我在泰国时忽然想到开展新的广告宣传活动的主意。My mother avoided visiting Bali on the quite false assumption that the place is full of tourists.我母亲不愿去巴厘岛旅行,总误以为那里全是游客。They outplayed the visiting team in the last half of the game.他们在下半时的比赛中打败了客队。The king was visiting France as a private citizen.国王正以平民身份访问法国。The ambassador is giving a banquet for the visiting president.大使将举办宴会欢迎来访的总统。Soaring room rates have put tourists off visiting the city.飚升的酒店房价让欲前往该城市观光的游客止步。After his lecture the visiting professor invited questions.访问教授作完讲座就请大家提问题。I took Friday off, and spent a long weekend visiting friends.我星期五休假,用了一个长周末拜访朋友。The crowd barracked the visiting team.人群对客队喝倒彩起哄。They were discouraged from visiting the park because they discomforted other visitors.他们因扰乱其他游客而被阻止进入公园。Any tourist wants to see as much as possible the country he is visiting.任何旅游者都想尽可能在其观光国多看些地方。 A state dinner was held in honour / honor of the visiting Japanese premier.为欢迎日本首相来访而举行了国宴。The visiting team did not get fair play in the game.客队在这场比赛中没有获得公平的待遇。A visiting professor will be leading the seminar.一位客座教授将主持这场研讨会。You should respect their customs when visiting their country.在访问他们国家时你应该尊重他们的习俗。A police officer will be visiting next week to give the children a talk on crime prevention.一位警官下周会来给孩子讲讲如何预防犯罪。




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