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词汇 Virginia
例句 His family lived across the state line in West Virginia.他的家人住在州界线那边的西弗吉尼亚州境内。Virginia was still struggling to be a conscientious and dedicated mother.弗吉尼娅还在尽力成为一位勤勤恳恳、全心奉献的母亲。British settlers introduced pigs to Virginia.英国定居者把猪带到了弗吉尼亚。He's about to graduate from West Virginia University's Law School.他即将从西弗吉尼亚大学法学院毕业。Virginia is famous as the birthplace of several US presidents.弗吉尼亚以作为几位美国总统的出生地而出名。He then set out for Virginia for what he vainly hoped would be a peaceful retirement.于是他动身前往弗吉尼亚,幻想能够平静引退。Though the Governor of Virginia lobbied on the planters' behalf, the Crown turned a deaf ear.虽然弗吉尼亚殖民地总督为种植园主进行游说,但国王对此充耳不闻。Virginia was the largest slave state in the Union.联邦最大的蓄奴州是弗吉尼亚州。She's away at college in Virginia.她去弗吉尼亚念大学了。West Virginia's chapter of the National Organization for Women全国妇女总会西弗吉尼亚州分会His father was a wealthy, prominent Virginia slave master.他的父亲曾是一位富有而杰出的弗吉尼亚奴隶主。Virginia was a perfectionist. She was just not prepared to settle for anything mediocre.弗吉尼娅是个完美主义者,她根本不愿意拿任何普普通通毫无特色的东西将就。My name's Virginia, but my friends call me Ginny.我的名字叫弗吉尼娅,但我的朋友都叫我金妮。He gestured abruptly for Virginia to get in the car.他粗鲁地示意弗吉尼娅上车。Virginia's heart lurched painfully in her chest.弗吉尼娅胸口一阵疼痛。He persuaded Virginia to name the baby after him.他说服弗吉尼娅以他的名字为婴儿取名。Virginia Zucci of the Russian Ballet was famous for her pirouettes.俄罗斯芭蕾舞团的维尔吉尼娅·祖奇以她的单脚尖旋转而著称。She fled to a life of quiet seclusion, living on a farm in rural Virginia.她躲到弗吉尼亚乡下,过着安静平和、与世隔绝的农场生活。My idea for the film came from an article I read about West Virginia coal miners.对于这部影片,我的灵感来自读过的一篇描写西弗吉尼亚煤矿工人的文章。Her style of writing is somewhat reminiscent of Virginia Woolf.她的写作风格有点儿像弗吉尼娅·伍尔夫。Virginia Maples, a lifelong resident, praised the town for its neighborliness.弗吉尼娅·梅普尔斯—一位在镇上居住了一辈子的居民,称赞镇上邻里关系友好。Virginia's comparability in latitude with Palestine弗吉尼亚州和巴勒斯坦在纬度上位置的相似We hitched a ride with a trucker who took us all the way to the Virginia border.我们搭了一辆路过的货车,司机一路把我们送到弗吉尼亚州的州界。




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