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词汇 vinegar
例句 The wine tastes like vinegar.这种葡萄酒味道像醋一样。Saturate the label with vinegar and let it sit before you try to scrape it off the bottle.用醋将标签浸透,放一会儿再将它从瓶子上刮掉。Mixing oil and vinegar together produces an emulsion.将油和醋搅和在一起就形成一种乳浊液。The smile couldn't disguise the vinegar in her voice.她的笑容无法掩饰她尖刻的语气。Use half a lemon dipped in salt and vinegar.用半个柠檬蘸上盐和醋。Acetic acid is the chief active ingredient in vinegar.醋酸是醋的主要有效成分。If the sauce seems too sweet, add a dash of red wine vinegar.如果酱汁太甜的话,可以加少许红酒醋。The liquid tastes like vinegar.这液体味道像醋。Salt, sugar, pepper and vinegar are seasonings.盐、糖、胡椒和醋都是佐料。She flavored the fish with sugar and vinegar.她用糖和醋给鱼调味。She uses lemon rather than vinegar in her salad dressings.在沙拉调料中,她用柠檬而不用醋。Shake the bottle well so that the oil mixes with the vinegar.充分摇动瓶子使油和醋混合。Ink stains will come out if you rub them with vinegar and salt.用醋和盐擦拭可以将墨水的污迹去掉。Lastly, beat in the vinegar and set aside.最后,加醋搅打后放在一边。White vinegar is great for removing stains.白醋去污效果很好。The wine they gave us was little better than vinegar.他们给我们的葡萄酒比醋好不了多少。The dressing is made with oil, vinegar, and a pinch of herbs.调料是由食用油、醋和一小撮香草制成的。A little vinegar will take off the oily taste.加点醋可以去掉油味。The cucumbers are soaked in vinegar.这些黄瓜浸泡在醋中。Oil or vinegar may be added for a more bland or sharp sauce, according to your preference.为了让调味汁口味更淡或更浓可以加点油或醋,全随你的喜好。Prepare a vinaigrette dressing with olive oil, white wine vinegar, and mustard.用橄榄油、白葡萄酒醋和芥子酱做一份醋油调料。Add a dash of balsamic vinegar.加入少许香脂醋。You need to add more vinegar, OK?你需要多加点醋,明白吗?We were full of piss and vinegar back then.我们之后又重新充满了活力。I tossed the salad with some oil and vinegar and set it on the table.我将这盘蔬菜沙拉用油和醋拌了拌,摆放在餐桌上。Use a solution of 1 tablespoon of vinegar to 1 pint of warm water.要用一大汤匙的醋加一品脱温水的比例调制的溶液。Add a half a cup of oil, and the same quantity of vinegar.加半杯油,再加等量的醋。Add two tablespoons of white wine vinegar.加入两勺白葡萄酒醋。He washes his windows with an acid solution of vinegar and water.他用醋和水混合的酸性溶液擦洗窗户。The acid in the vinegar congeals the soy milk into tofu.醋里的酸将豆浆凝固成豆腐。She seasoned the fish with sugar and vinegar.她用糖和醋给鱼调味。She spiked the sauce with vinegar.她往酱汁中加了醋。Put the vinegar and olive oil in a screw-top jar.将醋和橄榄油装入一个带螺旋盖的罐子。The sauce smacked of vinegar.这调味汁有点醋味。If the sauce is bland, add a little more vinegar.如果调味汁太淡就再加点醋。Put in just a dash of vinegar.稍许放一点点醋。Scour the bowl with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda.把醋和小苏打混合后擦碗。Wine vinegar tenderises meat.酒醋能让肉变嫩。He used vinegar and water to wash the windows.他用醋和水擦洗窗玻璃。




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