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The vine has grown fast to the wall.藤已牢牢地攀在墙上。This vine produces small round purple grapes.这棵葡萄藤结又小又圆的紫葡萄。An enterprise that does not attract customers soon withers on the vine.对顾客缺乏吸引力的企业很快就会破产。I can't see an eligible male like you hang on the vine.我不能眼看着像你这样合格的男子汉断送前程。Wrap the chicken in vine leaves (cabbage will do at a pinch).用藤叶将鸡包裹起来(必要时也可以用圆白菜叶代替)。The fruit of the vine is the grape.葡萄藤结的果实是葡萄。The tomatoes ripened on the vine.番茄在藤上成熟了。Her plan to run for public office died on the vine.她竞选公职的计划夭折了。The vine is an age-old symbol of peace and prosperity.葡萄藤是个由来已久的象征和平与繁荣的标志。The vine twines round the tree.这籐盘绕在树干上。The walls of the living room had a delicate vine stencil drawn on them.客厅墙上有模板印刷的精美蔓藤图案。The easiest way to propagate a vine is to take hardwood cuttings.栽培葡萄最简便的方法就是硬条扦插。The tendrils of the vine twisted round the fence.藤蔓的卷须缠绕在篱笆上。Without investment, home-grown industries are being allowed to wither on the vine.由于得不到投资,国内工业正在自行走向消亡。Snip the vine tomatoes off their stalks and pack them into a container.将西红柿带蔓从茎上剪下,然后装箱。An ancient vine overhangs the terrace.一条古藤悬垂在平台上。When the new resort was built, the tourist trade in smaller hotels withered on the vine.随着新度假地的建成,小型旅馆的游客数量大幅萎缩。Dr Engelmann had filed the scrap of wild vine away as a curiosity.恩格尔曼博士将这一段野藤蔓存档,视为珍宝。From the vine outside came the scent of honey.外面的葡萄藤飘来花蜜的香味。You can train this vine to climb up a wall.你可以修剪这棵葡萄藤使它爬墙生长。The easiest way to propagate a vine is to take hardwood cuttings.繁殖藤本植物最简便的方法是硬条扦插。Tomatoes that fall off the vine will decay on the ground.从枝蔓上落下的番茄会在地上腐烂。The program for rebuilding the city died on the vine.重建城市的计划夭折了。The pumpkin has male and female flowers on the same vine.西葫芦的雄花和雌花长在同一条蔓上。The Bordeaux area is densely planted with vine.波尔多地区密集种植着葡萄。 |