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词汇 villages
例句 Whole villages were obliterated by fire.整座整座的村庄被大火吞噬。Water burst through the dam and flooded local villages.水决堤淹没了附近的村庄。They discussed taking heavy traffic out of unsuitable towns and villages.他们就如何解决车流量不宜过大的城镇和乡村的交通拥堵问题进行了讨论。Residents in the villages under attack have been unable to protect their homes from plunder.受到袭击的村民已无法保护自己的家不被抢劫。Some villages had been wiped from the map.一些村庄已被彻底毁掉了。A dam burst and flooded their villages.堤坝决口,淹没了他们的村庄。Further floods may have sealed the fate of the few remaining villages.这些少数幸存下来的村庄注定躲不过再发生的洪灾。The earthquake literally destroyed their villages.地震毁灭了他们的村子。The villages just over the border are mainly German-speaking.一越过边界,那些村庄就主要说德语了。Many of the refugee villages are in isolated areas.很多难民村落都在偏远地区。They left their villages to evade being press-ganged into the army.为了不被抓去当兵,他们逃离了自己的村庄。There are unconfirmed reports of several small villages buried by mudslides.据未经证实的报道说,几个小村庄被泥石流吞没了。Most villages in the highlands are now connected by roads.大多数高原上的村庄都通了公路。The villages of East Anglia are marked by beautiful churches with fine towers.东英吉利亚的村庄的特点就是教堂很漂亮,都有精美的塔楼。The refugees arrived in vast numbers from villages all along the border.大批难民从边境上的村庄涌来。Several villages have been destroyed by a huge tidal wave.好几个村庄毁于一次威力巨大的海啸。A rivalry grew up between the villages.村落之间产生了对立。Entire villages come to see the parade.全体村民都来看游行。We pass villages clustered around wet rice fields.我们经过坐落在水稻田边的村庄群。There are some nice little pubs in the villages round here.这附近的村子里有些不错的小酒吧。A few horse-drawn carts still trundle through the dilapidated mining villages几架马车仍然在破落的矿村中曲折行进。In such areas we see villages denuded of young people.在这些地区,我们在村子里根本看不到年轻人。If you go further into the countryside, you will come across a number of unspoilt medieval walled villages.如果你再深入这片乡村地区,会看到一些尚未遭受破坏的中世纪带城墙的村落。Curious tourists and reporters from around the globe are descending on the peaceful villages.好奇的游客和记者从世界各地一齐涌向这些平静的村落。In some of the villages the exterior walls of the houses are painted pink.在一些村子里,房屋外墙被漆成粉红色。These villages are the last surviving remnants of a great civilization.这些村庄是一个伟大文明最后的遗存。Government forces have been attacked by heavily armed paramilitary groups in several villages.政府军在几个村庄遭到了全副武装的准军事集团的袭击。The sea level rose and swamped the coastal villages.海平面上升淹没了沿海村落。Thousands of people have left their devastated villages and fled to the mountains.数千人已经离开完全被毁的村庄,逃进了山里。The roads are often dangerous, and getting food to the villages has not been an easy task.那些道路大多很艰险,要把食物弄到村里去绝不是件容易的事。All there was in the region was dry soil and impoverished villages.那地区只有干涸的土地和贫穷的村庄。I thought of home, of the drowsy fields and villages baking in the sun.我想起了家乡,想起了那些在太阳下烘晒的沉寂的田野和村庄。Dozens of villages have been razed.几十个村庄被夷为平地。Pirates harassed the villages along the coast.海盗不时骚扰沿岸村庄。The fact that people have left farm work has denuded many villages of their working populations.人们脱离农业生产的情况令许多村庄失去了劳动人口。It's one of the prettiest villages on the south coast.这是南部海岸最迷人的村庄之一。One by one these old fishing villages have been “discovered” by a prominent painter.由于一个著名画家的介绍,这些古老的渔村一个个逐渐为人们所知晓。The villages have grown and merged together over the years.这几年这些村庄逐渐变大,合在了一起。Whole villages were wiped out by the floods.整个整个的村庄被洪水吞没。Crosses on the map denote villages.地图上的十字表示村庄。




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