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词汇 views
例句 His letter to the management did not reflect the views of his colleagues.他给管理层的信并没有反映同事们的意见。Your views are of no consequence in this matter.在这件事上,你的观点并不重要。He views himself as a holy warrior.他把自己看作圣斗士。These views don't represent the real thinking of the Chinese people.这些观点并不反映中国人民的真实思想。The silent majority of supportive parents and teachers should make their views known.表示支持的父母和老师是沉默的大多数,他们应该公开表达他们的观点。The book contains over fifty scenic views of Cambridge.书中有五十多幅剑桥的风景照。He can come on very strong with his political views.他会言之凿凿地阐述自己的政治观点。The government is trampling on the views of ordinary people.政府无视民意。They are in their twenties, but have very middle-aged views.他们虽然二十几岁,但观点很像中年人。Malthus will always be known mainly for his views on population.马尔萨斯将主要因其在人口方面的观点而一直为人们所认识。When asked for your views about your current job, on no account must you be negative.当你被问及对目前工作的看法时,绝不要表现得消极。He is known for his extreme right-wing views.他以极右翼观点著称。The meeting gave everyone the chance to air their views.会议给了每个人发表意见的机会。Liberal policy was sufficiently elastic to accommodate both views.自由党政策有相当的灵活性,能够适应双方的观点。The Senator faces a challenger with conservative views.这位参议员面对的是一位持保守观点的挑战者。I'd be interested to know what people's views are.我很想知道人们有什么看法。I don't share your views/beliefs.我和你观点/信仰不同。When he set out his views, the clarity and depth of his thoughts were powerful.当他阐明自己的观点时,他思路之清晰、想法之深奥令人震撼。His political views are slightly right/left of center. 他的政见有些保守/偏左。The room has fabulous views across the lake.那个房间可以看到美丽的湖景。Students should be ready to explain and defend their views.学生应该准备好为自己的观点作解释和辩护。Her views are remarkably conventional.她的观点非常传统。I will communicate your views verbally to the members of the committee.我会将你的看法口头转达给委员会成员。We went all around the lake enjoying the different views.我们绕着湖行走,欣赏不同的景色。Her views on this chimed with mine.她对这个问题的看法与我一致。The authors summarize their views in the introduction.作者在序言里概述了他们的观点。Bobbie and Jo have opposing views on marriage.鲍比和乔在婚姻问题上持相反的观点。The open-air terrace affords unparalleled views of the Big Apple.从露天平台上可以看到纽约无与伦比的景色。These are two very different views of literature, which are parallel to two very different views of sexuality.这是两种截然不同的文学观点,它们对应的是对性的两种截然不同的态度。This idea does not consort with some of the views of Jane Austen that are commonly held.这个想法和人们对简·奥斯丁的一般看法不一致。She is outspokenly liberal/conservative in her views.她坦率地表达出自己开放/保守的观点。The house has breathtaking views from every room.这所房子的每个房间都能看到令人惊叹的美景。The large windows give fine views of the surrounding countryside.从宽大的窗户望出去可以看到四周美丽的田园风光。Her views on the subject are already well known.她对于这个问题的观点人尽皆知。He expressed his views with pungency.他锋芒毕露地表达了自己的意见。We disagree with the views articulated by the administration.我们不同意政府表达的观点。Please write in with your ideas and views.请把你的想法和意见写信告诉我们。His political views are the converse of mine.他的政治观点与我的相反。The views expressed herein are strictly those of the author.此处表达的仅是作者的个人观点。Maybe he'll revise his views on that a little.也许他会稍稍修正对那件事的看法。




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