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词汇 vibrant
例句 Bright, vibrant colors characterize his paintings.亮丽、鲜艳的色彩是他的画作的特征。The arts scene in this city is a phoenix rising from the ashes and is more vibrant than ever before.这座城市的艺术景象犹如凤凰涅槃,重新焕发风采,尤胜往昔。Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city.香港是个富有活力的迷人城市。Tom felt himself being drawn towards her vibrant personality.汤姆感觉自己被她充满朝气的个性所吸引。She was sixteen, young and vibrant.她十六岁,年轻而充满活力。The trees were on fire with vibrant fall colors.树木呈现出鲜明的秋日色彩,层林尽染,像一团火。I was attracted by the town's vibrant art community.我被这个镇充满活力的艺术社团所吸引。She was such a beautiful young woman and had such a vibrant love of living each day to the full.她是个十分漂亮的年轻妇女,并且总是生气勃勃,酷爱生活。The streets of the capital are vibrant with color.首都的街道色彩鲜明。She looks best in bright, vibrant colours, like red and pink.她穿鲜亮颜色的衣服最漂亮,如红色和粉色。Leeds is a thriving, vibrant, and prosperous city.利兹是一座欣欣向荣、充满活力、繁荣昌盛的城市。He always uses vibrant colours in his paintings.他在画中经常运用鲜艳的色彩。The hope is that this area will develop into a vibrant commercial centre.希望这个地区会发展成为一个活跃的商业中心。Her eyes were vibrant with a luminous fervency.她的双眼炯炯有神,闪烁着睿智、热情的光芒。We painted the room a vibrant blue.我们把房间刷成了明快的蓝色。The grass was a vibrant green.草地绿油油的。The leaves were vibrant in the breeze.叶子在微风中抖动。Orlando itself is vibrant, full of affordable accommodation and great places to eat.奥兰多本身充满了朝气,有很多便宜的旅馆和吃饭的好去处。That color is too vibrant for this room.对这个房间来说那种色彩太鲜了。She possessed the vibrant personality that is so often popularly associated with Spanish women.她拥有通常会令人联想到西班牙女性的充满活力的个性。The music sounded vibrant and loud.那音乐听起来活泼而洪亮。Kolbe grew up a vibrant, racially integrated quarter of Cape Town.科勒贝慢慢发展成开普敦的一个充满活力、各种族关系融洽的地区。Orlando itself is vibrant, and full of great places to eat.奥兰多本身充满了朝气,有很多餐饮的好去处。There is a fire in the deep of space and the stars are vibrant colours.太空深处里有一团火,星星的色彩都很明亮。The vibrant tones of Richard Burton are instantly recognizable.理查德·伯顿洪亮的声音一听就能辨识出来。He has a vibrant voice.他有著响亮的嗓音。The system was in deep trouble and needed drastic corrective measures from a vibrant leadership.体制深陷困境,需要富有活力的领导者采取大刀阔斧的调整措施。The city is vibrant with life.这城市充满生机。




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