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词汇 vessel
例句 The man was aloft in the rigging of the Dutch vessel when he fell and hit the side of the boat.那个男人从一艘荷兰船只的帆索高处掉下来,撞到了舷侧。The men had disguised the vessel as fishing boat to escape.那些人把船伪装成渔船逃走了。The severe conditions hampered attempts to pull the vessel free of the rig.恶劣的天气导致把那艘船拉离钻塔的尝试很难奏效。They managed to haul the survivors aboard the vessel.他们设法将幸存者都拖上了船。He was accused of operating the vessel while drunk.他被控醉酒驾船。A salvage team failed to refloat the vessel.打捞队没能使这艘船重新浮上水面。As a young and spirited politician, he seems a worthy vessel for the nation's hopes.他是位充满活力的年轻政治家,似乎是可以寄托国家希望的人。We suddenly saw a vessel through a gap in the fog.透过雾罅我们突然看到一艘船。A Moroccan fishing vessel and a South Korean cargo ship collided in rough seas.一艘摩洛哥渔船与一艘韩国货船在波涛汹涌的大海上相撞了。The vessel made no headway.船无法前进。A fishing vessel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas.一艘捕鱼船和一艘货船在波涛汹涌的海上相撞了。The wave swallowed up the small vessel.海浪吞没了小船。The French vessel has a commanding lead.法国舰艇遥遥领先。The vessel yesterday reached anchorage off Dubai.船昨天到达了迪拜附近的泊地。A bruise forms when a blood vessel breaks under the skin.瘀青是皮下血管破裂形成的。A rescue boat managed to come alongside the crippled vessel.一艘救援船设法靠在了受损船的旁边。He woke up the next day to find he'd burst a blood vessel in his eye.他第二天醒来,发现自己眼睛中的一条血管破裂了。The captain of the boat was accused of ramming a patrol vessel.小船的船长被指控撞击一艘巡逻艇。They claim the vessel was boarded illegally in international waters.他们声称船上的人是在国际水域非法登船的。Sea water gushed into the stricken vessel.海水涌进失事船只。The vessel was escorted to an undisclosed port.这艘船被护送到了一个秘密的港口。They must purify the vessel.他们必须使这个容器洁净。He discerned a vessel moving in the far distance.他看到一条船在很远地方航行。This vessel won't retain water.这容器盛不住水。A fire broke out on board the vessel.船上起火了。The wreck of the vessel is a remembrance of the war.这艘沉船的遗骸是那次战争的纪念物。A plane with Danish markings was overflying his vessel.一架带有丹麦标记的飞机从他的船上空飞过。The vessel was due for a routine inspection next month.那艘船到下个月就该进行例行检修了。The damaged vessel was towed into harbour.受损船只被拖进了港口。They were struggling to keep the vessel afloat.他们尽力让船漂浮。The vessel cleft the billowing sea at record speed.船以创记录速度破浪前进。He became so excited that he almost burst a blood vessel.他兴奋得差点爆了根血管。They rank vessel size by length or weight of the ship.他们按船身长度或重量来划分船只大小的等级。Pirates boarded the vessel and robbed the passengers.海盗登上船只,抢劫旅客。We'll cool off the engine and wait for the next vessel that's headed for the sea.我们会把引擎关闭冷却,等待下一艘驶向大海的船只。The vessel's safety equipment was not in good order.这艘船上的安全设备状况堪忧。More and more frequently the vessel lurched into a sudden roll.船不时会猛烈摇晃一下,而且越来越频繁。I want to see if I can raise some vessel or island further west.我要进一步往西航进,看看能不能发现船只或者岛屿。The vessel docked at Liverpool.船停靠在利物浦。Once ashore, the vessel was inspected.船一靠岸就受到了检查。




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