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例句 Fighting between the various warring factions was destroying the country.各敌对派系之间的战斗正在毁灭这个国家。The group visited various youth and community projects in the city.这个小组参观了市内的各种青年及社区项目。The various dialects are quite distinct from one another.各种方言之间存在着相当大的差异。Mutations were introduced in the region using various techniques.人们运用各种技术把变种引入这个地区。We watched a video showing the various stages in the production of glass.我们看了一部短片,片中展示了玻璃制造过程中的不同阶段。The panel are all experts in their various subjects.小组成员全是各门学科的专家。The various parts of the book are marked by indiscrimination.这本书的各个章节明显地带有胡乱拼凑的痕迹。People talk about various reasons for the company's failure, but it all comes down to one thing: a lack of leadership.人们对公司倒闭的原因说法各异,但归结起来就是领导力缺失。There are various kinds of civil wrongs, or torts.存在各种各样的民事不法行为或侵权行为。He has studied the cultures of various western countries.他研究了各西方国家的文化。The Mayor of Jerusalem has tried to minimise conflict by maintaining a middle way between the various religions.耶路撒冷市市长对各宗教采取折中的态度,力图使冲突最小化。He's written books of various lengths on the subject.关于这个题目,他已经写了几本书,篇幅长短不一。It must be difficult to play various personae in the same movie.在同一个电影中扮演不同的角色肯定不容易。The company is soliciting bids from various firms.这家公司正在向多家企业招标。They've been living and working peacefully with members of various ethnic groups.他们与不同种族的人们和睦地在一起生活和工作。Tarrant is now in jail for various offenses, including rape.塔兰特正在服刑,他犯了多种罪行,包括强奸。He said he had been in various parts of Britain but did not go into details.他说曾去过英国的许多地方,但没有细讲。The government's new economic policy gained acclaim from various sections of society.政府的新经济政策受到社会各阶层的拥护。She has time now to follow her various artistic pursuits.她现在有时间从事各种艺术活动了。I have studied various maps of the area.我仔细查阅了该地区的各种地图。The games have various levels of difficulty.游戏有不同的难度等级。He had various ideas on how to raise capital for the project.他有许多为该工程集资的想法。He had various odd cleaning jobs around the place.他在这附近干过各种零碎的保洁工作。We had various problems on our journey, including a flat tyre.我们在旅途中遇到了各种各样的问题,包括轮胎被扎破了。Rafsanjani has been considering various ways of introducing some sanity into the currency market.拉夫桑贾尼一直考虑通过各种方式使货币市场趋于理性。We have had several preliminary sittings in various poses.我们进行了几次预拍摄,摆了各种不同的造型。I had to sign various documents before they would let me into the country.我必须签署各种各样的文件,他们才会让我进入这个国家。People move for various reasons: for employment, for a bigger house, for a better neighbourhood.人们搬家的原因多种多样:有时是为了工作,有时是为了住更大的房子,有时是为了住到更好的地段。She is a fan of various newfangled educational theories.她是各式各样新式教育理论的狂热追随者。I wandered around the house, peeking into various rooms.我在房子周围徘徊,窥视各个房间。There have been loud cries for his resignation from various groups.各方团体一直强烈要求他辞职。He tried various mental contortions to deal with the girl in the village.他用各种变态的心思来对付村子里的那位姑娘。The article included excerpts from various interviews.这篇文章含有来自不同采访的片段。The houses were painted various shades of rose.房屋被粉刷成了色泽深浅不同的粉红色。The children cut the paper into various simple shapes.孩子们把纸剪成各种各样简单的形状。They have been discussing various bilateral issues.他们一直在商讨各种双方共同的问题。They ran a campaign that drew together these various strands.他们通过开展运动把各种派别团结在一起。Before undergoing surgery, patients should discuss the various options with their doctor.动手术前病人应该与医生讨论一下各种选择方案。By the time you have gone through the mill with various infertility treatments, you may well be too old to have children.等你饱受磨难完成各种不育治疗后,可能已经太老了,不能生育了。The study evaluates various methods of weight loss.此项研究对各种减肥方法进行评估。




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