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词汇 varies
例句 The amount of sleep we need varies from person to person.我们对睡眠的需求量因人而异。Class size varies from one type of institution to another.班级大小因院校类型而异。The fabric varies in texture from coarse to fine.布料的质地有粗有细。Mortality from heart disease varies widely across the world.世界不同地区心脏病死亡率差异很大。The colour of the fruit varies with age.水果的颜色随生长时间而变化。The rate of growth varies considerably between different industries.不同产业的增长率存在相当大的差异。That sort of thing varies from person to person.那种事因人而异。The number of calories in different brands of drinks varies enormously.不同牌子的饮料所含的卡路里数大不相同。The amount of sleep we need varies from person to person.我们需要的睡眠时间因人而异。As they're handmade, each one varies slightly.因为是手工做的,每一件都有细微的不同。The situation varies slightly from country to country.在不同的国家情况稍有不同。Each brick also varies slightly in tone, texture and size.每一块砖的色调、质地和大小也都略有不同。This clock varies only minutely.这只钟的误差极小。Policing of business courses varies widely.对商业行为的监管差别很大。Treatment varies according to the severity of the symptoms.症状严重程度不同,治疗方式也有所不同。The ability to tolerate pain varies from person to person.对疼痛的忍受能力因人而异。The availability of nursery school places varies widely across London.伦敦幼儿园的分布非常不均衡。Their ability varies inversely with their age.他们的能力与年龄大小成反比。The standard varies wildly.标准非常参差不齐。The cost of the alcohol duty varies according to the amount of wine in the bottle.酒税税额随酒瓶容量的大小而有所不同。The beginning of the harvest varies from year to year.每年收获季的开始时间都不尽相同。The terrain on the island varies quite a bit.岛上地形多变。The severity of the disease varies.这种病在各人身上表现的轻重程度不一。The danger of a heart attack varies with body weight.心脏病发作的危险随体重而变化。The software varies in price.软件的价格不同。The terrain varies as you climb higher.你越往高处攀爬,地形也随之产生变化。Atmospheric pressure varies with elevation and temperature.气压随海拔和气温的变化而变化。The ability to tolerate pain varies from person to person.对疼痛的忍受力因人而异。The situation varies from area to area.这种情况因地区而异。Your skin's moisture content varies according to weather conditions.皮肤的水分随着天气状况而变化。The route that the boatmen choose varies according to the water level.船夫选择的路线会随水位的变化而有所不同。The hardness of limestone varies depending on the area in which it is found.石灰岩的硬度因产地而异。The amount of tax people pay varies according to where they live.人们的纳税额因居住地的不同而相异。The pressure varies with the depth.压力随深度而变。The price varies, depending on whether you book by telephone or over the Internet.根据你是通过电话还是网络预定,价格会不一样。The amount of time spent on my work varies in inverse proportion to the amount I get done.我投入到工作上的时间与我完成的量成反比。The price of villas varies considerably, according to their facilities and their nearness to the sea.别墅的价格相差很大,要视乎设施和离海边的距离而定。The availability of nursery school places varies widely across London.伦敦幼儿园名额差异极大。One of Dickens’ great skills as a writer is the way he varies his style.狄更斯的一大写作才能就是变换写作风格。The number of young produced per breeding cycle varies from species to species.单个生育周期所产的幼崽数量因物种不同而有所不同。




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