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词汇 varied
例句 The work of a JP is very interesting and varied.治安官的工作是非常有趣和内容多变的。It's hard to generalize about Cole Porter because he wrote so many great songs that were so varied.科尔·波特写了这么多风格迥异的优美歌曲,要对他进行概括并不是件容易的事。Many businessmen think that a world where relative prices never varied would be nirvana.很多商人认为,一个相对价格从不变化的地方会是极乐世界。Students' expectations were as varied as their expertise.学生们的期望根据他们的专业各有不同。The response of the audience varied from outright rejection to warm hospitality.观众反应不一,有人完全不能接受,也有人击掌叫好。What I try to do in putting these pictures up here is to show how varied children are in solving the problem.我把这些图片挂在这儿的目的是想展示一下孩子们解决这个问题的方法是多么千差万别。The ways in which solicitors practise are varied.事务律师的从业方式是多种多样的。Bread is a poor substitute for a varied diet of more nutritious foods.面包无法替代营养更加丰富的多样化膳食。She had a rich and varied life and met many famous and exciting people.她历经沧桑,见过很多著名的、具有传奇色彩的人物。It is essential that your diet is varied and balanced.关键是你的饮食要多样化,并保持均衡。The street was decorated with varied bunting.街道装饰着彩旗。His expressions varied from poker-faced to blank.他的表情在一本正经和茫然惶惑之间变幻不定。The impact of these trends has varied regionally.这些潮流的影响依区域而不同。Bell inflected the musical line and varied his tone, his vibrato and his phrasing with a degree of imagination.贝尔以其想象力将乐谱转调,使音色、颤音和乐句划分变化多样。A varied assemblage of birds was probing the mud for food.一大群各种各样的鸟在泥沼中觅食。The responsibilities of government are many, and they are varied.政府的职责有许多,而且是各种各样的。Many varied motives prompt individuals to join a political party.促使人们加入一个政治党派的动机多种多样。With its varied climate, the country attracts both winter and summer sports enthusiasts.该国气候多变,吸引了冬季和夏季运动爱好者。She studies subjects as varied as chemistry and sculpture.她学习的科目五花八门,既有化学,也有雕塑。He wanted time to pursue his many and varied musical interests.他希望有时间从事自己丰富多彩的音乐爱好。The size of her audience varied.她的观众时多时少。Harbour staff noticed that measurements given for the same class of boats often varied.港口工作人员注意到,对同一类船舶的测量方法常常不一样。The range of clothing styles has become more varied.服装样式已更加多样化。He draws an age-varied audience.他吸引一批不同年龄的听众。The speed of the car hardly varied.汽车的速度几乎没有改变。It is the ideal way to explore France and its rich and varied scenery.这是探访法国及其丰富多彩的自然景观最理想的方式。The school offers an exciting and varied programme of social events.学校组织了一个激动人心、丰富多彩的社会活动计划。Her fortunes varied but she never lost courage.她的运气时好时坏,但她从不气馁。It's hard to generalize about Cole Porter because he wrote so many great and varied songs.科尔·波特写了那么多风格迥异的优美歌曲,很难对他笼统地加以评定。The societal changes that have taken place over the last two decades are many and varied.过去二十年间发生了多种不同的社会变革。Mark, however, needs to travel extensively with his varied business interests.然而,马克因为各种生意需要频繁出差。The country has a rich and varied culture.该国的文化丰富多彩。Europe's varied cultural, political and ethical norms欧洲形形色色的文化、政治和道德准则Fire/liability insurance coverages varied.火险/责任险的范围五花八门。Sanitary facilities varied widely from region to region.各地的卫生设施差别极大。He never varied his habits.他从未改变过自己的习惯。Students' expectations were as varied as their expertise.学生们的专长各有不同,期望值也不一样。The moon bathed the landscape in her pale cold rays at a different phase and with varied brightness.在不同的时候,月亮以不同的亮度将她惨淡的冷光沐浴在地貌上。The distance melts the varied colours into one.远处几种不同的颜色会融合成一种颜色。During his varied criminal career, he bootlegged liquor into Los Angeles.在罪行多端的犯罪生涯中,他曾向洛杉矶贩卖私酒。




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