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词汇 vandals
例句 All the doors have been bricked up to deter vandals.所有的门都用砖堵了起来,以防有人故意搞破坏。The church had been desecrated by vandals.教堂已遭到破坏公物者的亵渎。The vandals throw stones at the building.打砸闹事者向大厦内扔石块。A jet on lease to a rock group has been wrecked by vandals.租给一支摇滚乐队的喷气式飞机被恶意破坏者严重毁坏了。The phone box is attacked by vandals from time to time.公用电话亭常被破坏公物者故意损坏。The vandals did over £20,000 worth of damage.破坏公物者造成了两万多英镑的损失。Her statue has been targeted by vandals.她的塑像已被破坏分子选为攻击目标。The police staked out the building until they caught the vandals.警方一直监视那座建筑物,直到他们抓到破坏者为止。The vandals scrammed before the police could arrive.那些故意破坏公物的人在警方到达之前迅速离开了。The house was left empty and therefore a target for vandals.房子是空的,因此成了一些人恶意破坏的目标。The station is plagued by vandals.车站常遭故意破坏者袭扰。All information systems that have been fitted at Ashford station have now been destroyed by vandals.安装在阿什福德车站的所有信息查询装置如今都被破坏分子毁坏了。The mosque/shrine was desecrated by vandals.清真寺/神殿遭到破坏分子的亵渎。The windows are covered with grilles to deter vandals.窗户都安上了铁栅栏,以防被故意破坏。Buildings are left to decay at the mercy of vandals and the weather.建筑物因人为的肆意破坏及日晒雨淋而日益破败。A youth club has bitten back at vandals by covering its roof with razor-sharp security wire.作为对故意搞破坏的人的回应,一家青少年俱乐部在屋顶上铺设了锋利的安全网。Local merchants have had trouble with vandals breaking windows.当地店主苦恼的是,常有流氓砸打橱窗。The painting had been badly mutilated by vandals.那幅画已遭到蓄意破坏公物者的严重损坏。Some of the graves have been desecrated by vandals.一些墓穴被人肆意破坏了。The vandals were accused of desecrating graves.这些故意破坏公物的人被指控亵渎墓地。The police cracked down on vandals and drug offenders.警方严厉打击了破坏公共财物者和涉毒人员。All the seat-covers on the train had been torn by vandals.火车上的所有椅套全被破坏公物者故意撕破了。




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