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词汇 usefulness
例句 You thought her usefulness was over. So you sold her down the river.你觉得她没有利用价值了,所以就把她给出卖了。The legislation has outlived its usefulness.这一法规已失效了。She has about reached the limit of usefulness.她这人差不多已没一点儿用处了。Many people claim that the word has lost its usefulness.许多人声称这个词已经用不上了。Teachers have mixed feelings about the usefulness of computer games.教师们对电脑游戏的效用喜忧参半。He has outlived his usefulness.他已老而无用了。The attitude of the parents toward the usefulness of what is learned must colour the way children approach school.父母对学知识是否有用的态度必定会影响孩子对待学业的态度。The docks have outlived their usefulness.这些码头已经没用了。We are beginning to think that this factory has outlived its usefulness as our main supplier.我们开始觉得,这家工厂已经不能再作为我们的主要供应商了。The UN is an organisation which has long since outlived its usefulness.联合国是一个早已形同虚设的机构。Badly written questions limit the usefulness of questionnaires.问题设计得不好,调查问卷的作用就会打折扣。The law has outlived its usefulness. 这项法规已经失效。The advisory group has outlived its usefulness.顾问小组已失去了它的作用。We need to evaluate the usefulness of new products before we spend money on them.我们在花钱购买新产品之前需要评估一下它们的使用价值。The report is of potential usefulness to the government.这个报告可能对政府有用。He questioned the usefulness of such a device.他对这种设备是否有用持怀疑态度。This old system has outlived its usefulness.这个老系统已经没用了。Statistics have some usefulness in the study of public health issues.统计学在研究公共卫生问题上是有一定用处的。The attitude of the parents toward the usefulness of what is learned must colour the way children approach school.家长们对于学什么有用的看法,肯定影响孩子们对待学业的态度。It's an organization that has outlived its usefulness.这是一个已经形同虚设的机构。The theory is of limited usefulness.这个理论用途有限。His interest lay in the usefulness of his work, rather than in any personal credit.他的兴趣在于所从事的工作是有用的,而不在于什么个人荣誉。




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