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词汇 urban poor
例句 Economic prosperity was won on the backs of the urban poor.经济繁荣靠的是城市里的贫民。Most of the urban poor are effectively excluded from politics.城市里的大部分穷人实际上都不能参与政治。The housing provisions in the bill were regarded as less than half a loaf by the urban poor.法案中有关住房问题的规定被城市贫民认为跟所希望的差得太远。His natural supporters are the urban poor, and educated people of a liberal turn of mind.自然而然支持他的是城市贫民和受过教育且思想开明的人。The book drew a stark portrait of Quebec's urban poor.该书勾勒出一幅魁北克城市中穷人的凄凉景象。We are aiming to improve the condition of the urban poor.我们的目标是改善城市贫民的状况。




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