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例句 He turned up on the night, hair brushed and boots blacked.晚上他露面了,头发用发刷刷过,靴子拿黑色鞋油擦过。She's hung up on a handsome boy.她迷上了一个帅小伙。I'll have to finish the job, but I can catch up on some sleep tomorrow night.我得把工作干完,不过明天晚上可以补睡一会儿。We laid the ship aground and shored her up on each side.我们把船拖上岸,两边用撑柱撑住。She wrote the day's menu up on a chalkboard.她把一天的菜谱写在黑板上。Alastair woke up on the sofa with a stiff neck.阿拉斯泰尔从沙发上醒来时感到颈部发僵。Tony grew up on tales of London politics.托尼是听着伦敦政界的种种轶闻长大的。They come here to brush up on technology.他们来此以求提高技术。She had thick reddish hair piled up on top of her head.她将自己浓密的淡淡红发盘在头顶。He'll catch up on lost time by working harder.他将更加努力地工作以弥补失掉的时间。The mountains reared up on each side, steep and white.两边的山峦高耸入云,山势陡峭、白雪皑皑。He was hauled up on a charge of dangerous driving.他因危险行车而被传讯。Gen up on the company's product before the interview.在面试前先了解该公司产品的详细情况。Please write often while you're away, so we can catch up on each other's news.走后请常来信,彼此好通通最近的消息。Uncollected rubbish is already piling up on the streets.未清收的垃圾已经堆满了街道。Aerials were sprouting up on the roof like weeds.房顶上天线林立。She was persuaded by a group of friends to get up on stage.她被一群朋友说服,同意登台。The dog curled itself up on the rug.那只狗蜷着身子躺在地毯上。My birthday really snuck up on me this year.今年我的生日悄然而至。He was stuck up on the street.他在街上遭到抢劫。Jack pulled up on the roundabout by the port for a road block.因为有路障,杰克在港口边的一个环岛处停下车。I have to catch up on my sleep.我必须补上我的睡眠。The cut eventually closed up on its own.伤口最终自行愈合了。The police is checking up on him.警方正在调查他。He left his bunk and went up on deck again.他离开自己的铺位再次走到甲板上。We'll fly up on the shuttle.我们要乘班机过去。The media has recently begun to pick up on this issue.近期,这家媒体开始在这个话题上大做文章。He wanted as much evidence as could be dug up on the girl.他想尽可能多地查探出有关那个女孩的证据。Karen spent the summer reading up on the subjects she would be studying at college.这个夏天,卡伦看了许多与大学里要学的科目有关的书。The FBI believes that Richards is holed up on an estate in Colombia.联邦调查局认为理查兹躲在哥伦比亚的一个住宅区里。The car has given up on me.这辆车给我撂挑子了。I've put a list of names up on the board.我在布告板上贴出了名单。If you're hungry, fill up on pasta or rice.你如果饿了,吃些面食或米饭吧。Your suit will be ready to pick up on Wednesday.你的套装星期三就可以取了。Well, officially I am on holiday this week, but I'm just catching up on some reports I have to finish.这周我名义上在休假,但事实上我还在赶写几份报告。I was quiet so I got ganged up on by everyone.我当时没有吭声,因此遭到大家的围攻。You'll end up on skid row if you don't stop drinking so much.如果你不改掉酗酒毛病,最终会沦落为穷鬼的。She curled up on the couch for a nap.她蜷缩在沙发上打盹儿。He was brought up on a charge of causing a disturbance.他以扰乱治安罪被传讯。I wish you wouldn't sneak up on me like that!我希望你不要那样蹑手蹑脚地靠近我!




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