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词汇 unwilling
例句 He is unwilling to depart from regular practice.他不愿意背离常规。Witnesses were willing/unwilling to cooperate.目击者愿意/不愿意配合调查。They are unwilling to offend powerful sectorial interests.他们不愿意触犯强大的部门利益。He was unwilling to accept that he could no longer play as he once had.他不愿意相信自己再也不能像从前那样打球了。Students are unwilling to really work. They want to be spoon-fed.学生们不愿真正去努力。他们希望依赖别人。He finds himself an unwilling participant in school politics.他发现自己成了学校的权力争斗中迫不得已的参与者。He was very unwilling to be analysed.他很不愿意接受精神分析。Investors have been unwilling to take a flier on such a small and unproven company.投资者向来不愿意冒险投资这样一种规模小又未经实践检验的公司。Off the record, police officers are saying they are more and more unwilling to arrest those found in possession of small amounts of cannabis.私底下,警察说他们越来越不愿意去逮捕那些私藏少量大麻的人了。He is unwilling to help.他不乐意帮忙。She always claimed she was an unwilling participant in the incident.她总是声称她参与该事件是迫不得已。He seemed unwilling to meet my eyes.他似乎不愿与我的目光接触。For months I had been unwilling to go through with it.数月来,我一直不愿意做这件事。They had the unwilling assistance of the local authority.他们得到了地方当局勉强给予的援助。The government seems unable or unwilling to make further concessions.政府似乎不能或者不愿意作进一步的让步。The antagonists in this dispute are quite unwilling to compromise.这场争端中的各方均不愿妥协。Don was unwilling to uproot from his home in California.唐不愿意离开他在加利福尼亚州的家。The president was unwilling to accept limitations on his power.总裁不愿意接受权力上的限制。Most people here are unwilling to give up their cars and use buses and trains instead.这里大部分人都不愿放弃自己的汽车去乘坐公共汽车或火车。He was unwilling to make a prediction about which books would sell in the coming year.他不愿意预测来年哪些书会有销路。According to his lawyer, Stuart was an unwilling participant in the shooting.按他律师的说法,斯图尔特是不得已参与这次枪击事件的。He was unwilling to help me.他不愿意帮我。UN troops are unwilling to enter the battle zone.联合国部队不愿意进入战区。She is tough, unwilling to take no for an answer.她很强硬,不达目的誓不罢休。He was unwilling or unable to pay the fine.他是不愿意付这笔罚款,要么就是付不起。He seems unwilling to face up to his responsibilities as a father.他似乎不愿承担做父亲的责任。She was unwilling to pay the extra cost to get a room to herself.她不愿意多付钱自己住一个房间。The manager was unwilling to refund my money.经理不愿意给我退钱。I'm sorry you have such an unwilling horse.你的马这样难驾驭,我很遗憾。The deal was blocked by the chairman, who was unwilling to commit so much company money to a risky investment.这交易受到董事会主席的阻拦,他不愿意在一项高风险的投资上投入这么多公司资金。The two sides were unwilling/unable to compromise.双方都不愿/无法妥协。Years of living alone had made her secretive and unwilling to trust anyone.多年的独居生活使她对自己的事守口如瓶,不愿相信任何人。They were unwilling, or unable, to guarantee safe passage from the city to the aircraft.他们不愿意或者不能够保证从市内到飞机场的安全通行。The seller was unwilling to break up the dining room set by selling one of the chairs.卖家不愿从整套餐厅家具中拆出一把椅子来单卖。I'm unwilling to believe in local superstitions.我不愿意相信当地的迷信。He was unwilling to put up with her petty insolences.他不愿忍受她那些无聊的傲慢言行。Congress has thus far been unwilling to support an increase in federal taxes.国会迄今为止还不愿支持增加联邦政府税。He was unwilling to make a prediction for the coming year.他不愿意对来年作出预测。He remained silent, unwilling or unable to say what was in his mind.他仍旧保持沉默,不愿意或是不能够说出他的想法。Many people are unwilling to embrace new technologies.很多人不愿意接受新科技。




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