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词汇 unwashed
例句 A scowling man briskly led the Queen's husband away from the great unwashed.一名面色阴沉的男子迅速地把王夫带离了那些草根下民。He concocted a theory that great men are not bound by the same laws as the great unwashed.他炮制了一套理论,说伟大的人物不应该像下层民众一样受法律约束。There was a pile of unwashed dishes in the sink.洗涤槽里有一大堆还没洗的盘子。Dangerous bacteria can be spread by unwashed hands.危险的细菌会通过未洗的手传播。He looked unwashed and uncared for.他看上去一副没有梳洗、无人照料的样子。His football shirt was left unwashed in his locker for weeks.他的足球球衣放在更衣室衣柜中好几个星期没洗。Leftover food and unwashed dishes cover the dirty counters.台面上又脏又乱,尽是残羹剩菜和未洗的盘子。They looked pale and unhealthy, with unwashed hair and sunken cheeks.他们头发脏乱、两颊深陷,看上去脸色苍白、一副病态。I'm just a member of the great unwashed.我只是个平头百姓。Popular support lay in the unwashed social stratum.民众的支持存在于社会的底层。




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