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词汇 Until
例句 Until then, no member of the human race had ever been able to make a map of the whole world.那之前,没有一个人能绘制出世界地图。Until her book became a best seller, she was just another face in the crowd.在她的书成为畅销书之前,她只是个无名之辈。Until very recently he worked as a teacher and he still shudders at the memories.他一直做老师,直到最近才不干。现在他一想起那段经历还不寒而栗呢。Until last year, the regime kept a tight grip on the country.直到去年,那个国家还处于该政权的严密控制之下。Until now television had fought shy of covering by-elections.迄今为止电视台一直竭力避免报道补缺选举。Until we get a better answer, we will have to live with not knowing for sure.除非得到更好的答复,否则我们只能继续存疑。Until they make their decision, we're just playing a waiting game.在他们做决定之前,我们只能是伺机行事。Until the matter is resolved the athletes will be ineligible to compete.事情没解决,那些运动员便没有资格参加比赛。Until now, the BBC has only been available in South Africa on short wave.直到目前为止,南非只能以短波形式收听英国广播公司的节目。Until the cold snap I hadn't turned on my heating for months.我坚持了数月,直至寒潮期到来才打开供暖设备。Until a few years ago, there was a taboo around the subject of divorce.直到几年前为止,离婚一直是个忌讳的话题。Until a week ago, the group's objectives were slightly muzzy.直到一个星期前,该团体的目标仍不太明确。Until women are paid as much as men, they will be competing on unequal terms.在男女同工同酬前,妇女将会一直在不平等的条件下与男人竞争。Until next payday, I was literally without any money.到下个发薪日前,我真的没有一点儿钱了。Until now no one had been able to disprove the theory.直至现在尚无人能驳倒这一理论。Until now, information has been second or third hand, but this news comes from someone who was there.之前只有间接的消息,这却是来自现场的消息。Until the rail links are in operation, passengers can only travel through the tunnel by coach.在铁路连线开通之前,乘客只能乘坐长途客车穿越隧道。Until then, you must be very careful.在那之前,你必须非常小心。Until now, there has been no effective treatment for this disease.到现在为止,这种疾病还没有找到有效的治疗方法。Until he saw the trapped wagons and animals, he did not realize the full extent of the catastrophe.直到他看见受困的马车和动物,才意识到灾难的严重性。Until now, the government has only enforced the ban with regard to American ships.到目前为止,政府仅仅对美国船只实施了禁令。Until security can be assured, the people here will continue to live in fear.在安全得到保障之前,这里的人将继续在恐惧中生活。Until now, doctors have been able to do very little to treat this disease.迄今为止,医生对这种疾病几乎束手无策。Until now, patients often found it difficult to get information about their rights.直至今日,病人仍然经常感到很难获取有关自己拥有哪些权利的信息。Until now the prime minister has shut his eyes to the homelessness problem.直到现在,首相仍对无家可归者这一问题视而不见。Until recently, scientists had been remarkably uncritical of these findings.直到最近,科学家们对这些发现依然没有提出任何明显的批评。Until yesterday, Britain had backed away because it didn't like the cost.直到昨天,英国还因为成本太高而却步。Until this week, every attempt to tighten up the law had failed.到本周为止,一切旨在严格执法的努力都失败了。Until they reach rock bottom, people cannot get financial help.未到极度困难时,人们是得不到经济帮助的。See you next week. Until then, keep warm.下周见。这期间注意保暖啊。Until their first single, the Beatles were virtually unknown outside Hamburg and Liverpool.在录制第一张单曲唱片之前,披头士乐队在汉堡和利物浦以外的地方几乎不为人知。Until the accident, the ship was considered indestructible.这艘船在出事之前一直被认为是坚不可摧的。Until the Food Protection Bill became law, the ministry had no power to ban dangerous pesticides.要到《食品保护法案》被确立为法律,这个部门才有权力禁止使用有毒杀虫剂。Until recently, holiday entitlement was informally agreed between individuals and their employer.直到最近员工和雇主才就休假安排达成非正式协议。Until the cause of the accident was proven, the company made it clear that it was not willing to take the rap.事故的原因查清之前,该公司明确表示不愿背黑锅。Until the doctor arrived from elsewhere on the ward, Amy was in charge.在医生从别处赶到病房前,这里由埃米负责。Until a few months ago few people outside the arcane world of contemporary music had heard of Gorecki.直至几个月前,在现代音乐神秘殿堂之外很少有人听说了戈莱斯基。Until the story was published there had been no hint of scandal.这宗丑闻在公开报道之前没有露出半点儿迹象。Until the constitution is amended, the power to appoint ministers will remain with the president.在宪法修正之前,总统仍然有权任命部长。Until his marriage, his job was number one in his life.在结婚以前,工作是他生活中的头等大事。




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