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词汇 unreasonable
例句 You're so utterly unreasonable and impracticable.你实在太不讲道理,让人无法相处。Their request is not unreasonable. 他们的要求并非不合理。One in four consumers now say water prices are very unreasonable.四分之一的消费者现在认为水价很不合理。The deadline is unreasonable, and they have no intention of trying to meet it.截止日期定得不合情理,他们不打算按时完成。The strikers were being unreasonable in their demands.罢工者的要求很不合理。It is possible for telephone companies to make profit without charging unreasonable rates.电话公司即使没有过高收费也是可以赢利的。You are entitled to compensation for unreasonable delays.你有权因不合理延误得到补偿。A demand from your boss that you babysit his children is clearly unreasonable.老板要求你去帮他照顾孩子,这显然是不合情理的。Far be it from me to criticize, but aren't you being a little unreasonable?我不是想批评人,但你是不是有点不讲道理啊?The evening was spoilt by the unreasonable conduct of some members of the audience.由于一些观众的无理取闹,晚会被搞砸了。It would be the height of folly for us to accede to their unreasonable demands.如果我们同意他们的不合理要求,那将是愚不可及的。It was her unreasonable behaviour with a Texan playboy which broke up her marriage.与一个得克萨斯的花花公子的不正当关系导致她的婚姻破裂。We mustn't give way to these unreasonable demands.我们不可对这些不合理的要求让步。His behaviour has been somewhat unreasonable.他的行为有点不理智。I submit that the terms are entirely unreasonable.我认为那些条件完全不合理。It would be unreasonable to expect them to do all that work for free.期待他们不要报酬完成所有那些工作是不合情理的。He said his first wife persecuted him with her unreasonable demands.他说他的第一任妻子总是拿无理要求纠缠他。It's not unreasonable to ask him to help you.叫他帮助你也并无不妥。Aren't you making unreasonable demands on her time?难道你没对她的时间安排提出不合理的要求?We think he is being unreasonable.我们觉得他不讲理。I don't think the amount of homework they get is unreasonable.我不认为他们的家庭作业量不合理。At no time did I feel they were being unreasonable.我从没觉得他们不讲理。The strikers were being unreasonable in their demands, having rejected the deal two weeks ago.罢工者的要求很不合理,他们在两周前已拒绝接受这份协议。They had raised their prices to unreasonable levels.他们肆意提高价格,漫天要价。It is not unreasonable for parents to want schools to reinforce the values children are taught at home.家长希望学校能够巩固孩子在家里受到的价值观教育,这个要求并不过分。Dad said he'd see about the math teacher's unreasonable cruelty.爸说他会料理数学老师不合理的残忍行为。She was granted divorce on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour.基于丈夫的不合理行为,她被允许离婚。It is impossible for us to concede to your unreasonable request.要我们对你的无理要求让步是不可能的。He's tired of being hassled by unreasonable parents.不通情理的父母总是唠叨,他烦透了。It's unreasonable to expect you to work seven days a week.要你一星期七天都上班也太不讲理了。It's unreasonable to expect people to pay for something they haven't even seen yet.让别人还没有看到货就付款是不合理的。You make friends with people and then make unreasonable demands so that they reject you.你和别人交朋友,然后向人家提出无理要求,结果被人家拒绝。She divorced her husband on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour.她以丈夫行为不合理为由和他离了婚。It didn't seem like an unreasonable request.这不像是无理要求。She divorced the respondent on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour.她以被告行为失当为由与其离婚。Her anger was unreasonable, a tempest in a teapot.她火发得毫无道理,是小题大作。I told him that I wouldn't pay unless he sent me a replacement. Am I being unreasonable?我告诉他如果他不给我换货我就不付款。我这是不讲道理吗?The musician argued that his estranged wife's behaviour was unreasonable and argumentative.这个音乐家辩称,已分居妻子的行为既不合情理,又引发争议。To put it bluntly, their demands are unreasonable.坦率地说,他们的要求是不合理的。Even the most caring parents will sometimes make unreasonable demands on their children.连最疼爱孩子的父母有时也会对孩子提出不合理的要求。




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