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词汇 Unless
例句 Unless we act now to protect the environment, we shall have failed in our collective responsibility to future generations.除非我们现在采取行动保护环境,否则我们大家都将无法尽到对后代所共同负有的责任。I guess that does it, gentlemen. Unless you have anything further to discuss.先生们,我想就这样吧!除非你们还有事要讨论。Unless the interviewer asks you directly, keep off the question of why you left your last job.除非主持面试的人直接问你,否则不要触及你为什么辞去上一个工作的问题。Unless he drops the charge we'll have to buy him off.他若不撤销指控,我们就得收买他。Unless more blood donors come forward, it may be necessary to cancel some operations.如果没有更多的捐血者,一些手术或须取消。Unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself, it's going to be tough to keep your motivation level high.除非减肥是为了悦已,否则很难保持积极性。Unless she was very much mistaken, he was showing off for her.除非是她弄错了,他是炫耀给她看的。Unless we fight pollution now, we cannot safeguard our children's future.除非我们现在就与污染作斗争,否则就无法保护孩子们的未来。Unless you've got money to burn, these expensive guitars are probably not for you.除非你钱多得烫手,这些昂贵的吉他大概不是你该买的。Unless there are serious negotiations, the fighting will continue.除非认真谈判,否则战斗还会继续。Unless the government agrees to further talks, a strike seems highly probable.除非政府同意继续谈判,否则极有可能发生罢工。Unless there is evidence to the contrary, we have to believe them.除非有相反证据,否则我们只得相信他们。Unless he's a complete idiot, he'll understand.除非他是个大白痴,否则应该明白。Unless he changes his spots, you are in for trouble.除非他改变本性,不然你肯定要遭殃。Unless anyone has anything to add, we'll take a vote.如果没人要补充什么,我们就进行投票表决吧。Unless funding becomes available, the entire project is at risk.除非得到拨款,不然的话整个计划就会有可能失败。Unless appropriate action is taken, our sales will decline.如果不采取恰当的行动,我们的销售额就会下降。Unless you take the door off its hinges, the sofa won't get through.除非把门从合页上卸下来,否则沙发是过不去的。Unless the guilty person owns up, the whole class will be punished.除非犯了错的同学站出来认错,否则全班都要受到惩罚。Unless a compromise could be reached the country would be diplomatically isolated on this issue.除非就此事达成妥协,否则该国将在外交上陷入孤立境地。Unless someone comes up with a brainwave soon, I can't see how we can possibly get out of this mess.除非有人马上想出个好办法,否则的话我不知道我们怎样收拾这烂摊子。Unless these questions are solved, the region will remain a powder keg.这些问题得不到解决,该地区就会一直抱着一个火药桶。Unless there has been a last-minute hold, the spacecraft should now be on its way.除非在发射前的最后一分钟暂停,不然航天器现在应该在飞行中了。Unless these people get food in the next two weeks they will starve to death.这些人如果在两个星期之后还拿不到食物,就会活活饿死。Unless we get back to basics in teaching, the standard of literacy will fall.如果我们不回到教学的基本原则上去,那么文化水准就会下降。Unless she loses some weight, she's had it.除非她减点儿肥,否则她就没戏了。Unless we're all a lot more careful, the people who have died so far will be just the tip of the iceberg.除非我们都加倍小心,否则死者的人数会比现在多得多。Unless you come now, I'm going to leave without you.如果你不马上来,我就不和你一块走了。Unless you respect other people's religions, horrible mistakes and conflict will occur.如果不尊重别人的宗教信仰,就会祷下大错,酿成冲突。Unless I'm mistaken, he didn't specify what time.他并未说明具体时间,除非我记错了。Unless the man rescinds the punishment, students will launch a large-scale strike.除非这个人撤销处罚,否则学生们准备发动大规模的罢课抗议。Unless management accepts mediation, the strike will never be resolved.除非资方接受调解,否则罢工不会停止。Unless there is some change in the economy, there is a possibility that the plant may close.除非经济上有些变化,否则那家工厂可能会倒闭。Unless we do something now, hundreds of plant and animal species will die out.我们现在若不采取措施,数百种动植物都会绝种。Unless my eyes deceive me , there are no children in the room.如果我没看错的话,房间里没有孩子。Unless some extra money is found, the theatre will close.要是不能额外弄一些钱,剧院将要关闭。Unless more money is given to schools, all this talk of improving education is just a charade.除非拨给学校更多的经费,否则所有这些关于提高教育质量的话都是空谈。Unless there are any unforeseen problems the whole project should be finished by the spring.除非出现什么意外情况,整个工程应该在春季前完工。Unless the money is paid, we will be contacting our legal department.如果不付款,我们马上就和法律部门联系。Unless we make a product that people want, we are not going to be successful.除非我们生产人们想要的产品,否则是不会成功的。




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