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词汇 unfeeling
例句 He was branded an unfeeling bully.他被丑化为冷漠的恶棍。He's a heartless, unfeeling monster.他是一个残酷无情的恶魔。What a cold, unfeeling woman she was.她真是个冷酷无情的女人!She says the most unfeeling things.她说了最无情的话。He was an unfeeling wretch.他是个冷酷的家伙。It was a flippant and unfeeling remark.这番话既轻率又无情。How can you be so cold and unfeeling?你怎能如此冷漠无情呢?What she saw was just an unfeeling corpse.她见到的只是一具全无感觉的尸体。She accused me of being unfeeling because I left the cinema dry-eyed.离开电影院时我没哭,于是她便说我心肠太硬。The media has made unfeeling voyeurs of all of us.媒体把我们所有人都变成了冷漠无情、好窥探他人隐私的人。She accused me of being unfeeling because I didn't cry at the end of the film.她责备我铁石心肠,因为我在影片结尾时没有哭。There's no way anyone could accuse this woman of being cold and unfeeling.任何人都不能指责这个女人冷酷无情。She was an unfeeling, ruthlessly ambitious woman.她是个冷漠无情、野心勃勃的女人。




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