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词汇 unfairness
例句 Being blamed unfairly evokes feelings of humiliation, unfairness, anger, and resentment.受到不公平的指责使人感觉屈辱、不公、气愤和怨恨。Mick was fulminating against the unfairness of it all.米克在控诉这一切的不公。He wanted to weep at the unfairness of it all.面对这不公平的一切,他直想哭。He was boiling with rage at the unfairness of it all.他对这一切的不公平感到怒不可遏。Wallowing in angst at the unfairness of it all will only make the problem worse.这种不公平的事,一味的苦恼只会使问题恶化。Wallowing in angst about the unfairness of it all will just make the problem worse.一味地担忧此事不公只会使问题变得更糟。She complained bitterly about the unfairness of it all.她愤愤不平地抱怨整件事是多么不公正。Mr Arbor squawked about the unfairness of the deal.阿伯先生大声抱怨说这笔交易不公平。She complained at the unfairness of it all.她抗议所有这一切的不公平。He had gained himself a reputation for unfairness.他使自己得到了一个不公正的名声。He was able to deal with his captivity by maintaining a high degree of anger about the unfairness of his capture.他对自己不公正的被俘极为怨愤,正是这股怨愤使他得以熬过囚禁生涯。She was still ranting about the unfairness of it all.她仍在怒气冲冲地抱怨这件事不公正。What about the unfairness of life? Why do bad things happen to good people?那怎么解释人生的不公呢?为什么坏事会降临在好人头上?We tried to meet both children's needs without the appearance of favoritism or unfairness.我们尽力对两个孩子的需要都予以满足,而不显得有所偏向或袒护。She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of the situation.她竭力向他表明情况是多么不公平,但只是徒然。Channel 4 is running a series on the unfairness of the legal system.第四频道正在播出揭露法律体系不公正之处的系列节目。Players abominate unfairness in an umpire.运动员最恨裁判不公正。




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