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词汇 unexpectedly
例句 Guests arrived unexpectedly.客人们突然到了。I met him unexpectedly.我意外地碰见了他。He was called away unexpectedly today, which is why I came to meet you instead.他今天突然被叫走了,所以才换了我来见你。Seeing his girlfriend unexpectedly was a great pick-me-up.和女友不期而遇令他精神抖擞。The Indians came out unexpectedly, catching the soldiers off-guard.印第安人突然出现,令士兵们措手不及。Two of my friends came by unexpectedly, and we had an impromptu little party in my kitchen.我的两位朋友突然到访,于是我们在我家厨房临时搞了个小型聚会。He lost his title unexpectedly to a man who is virtually unknown outside boxing circles.他出人意料地把他的冠军称号输给了拳坛以外几乎无人认识的一个人。People in the town began dying suddenly/unexpectedly.镇上的人们开始突然/意外死亡。She panics when people pop in unexpectedly, rushing round plumping cushions.一群人冷不防地冒出来,跑来跑去地拍松垫子,这把她吓坏了。I hope I'm not putting you about by arriving unexpectedly.但愿我的突然到来没有给你增添麻烦。Sales were unexpectedly high this month.这个月的销售意外火爆。The invasion was held up by unexpectedly stout resistance.入侵行动因遭遇到了出乎意料的顽强抵抗而受阻。The Indians came out unexpectedly, catching the soldiers off-guard.印第安人突如其来地出现,令士兵们猝不及防。His sister dropped by unexpectedly.他妹妹不期来访。I arrived home unexpectedly and found the house in chaos.我突然回家,发现家里一片凌乱。The device detonated unexpectedly.装置发生了意外爆炸。The phantom used to appear unexpectedly.那个鬼魂过去常常出人意料地出现。His response was unexpectedly positive.他的回答出人意料地肯定。His financial problems were compounded when he unexpectedly lost his job.他意外地失去了工作,这使他手头更紧了。It was inconsiderate of you to arrive unexpectedly.事先不通知就来,你太不体谅别人了。The Labour candidate unexpectedly overturned the long-standing Tory majority.工党候选人出乎意料地击败了长期以来占多数议席的保守党。Miserable, and unexpectedly lonely, she went in search of Jean-Paul.内心痛苦、突感寂寞的她去寻找琼-保罗。Mary and her party had unexpectedly to stay the night in a lowly house.玛丽一伙人出乎意料地留宿在一所普通房子里。Their problems started when the President unexpectedly vetoed the bill.在总统出人意料地否决这一议案时,他们的问题出现了。The phantom used to appear unexpectedly, but mostly during the winter.那个幽灵过去常常出人意料地出现,但是大多在冬季。Dunbar died unexpectedly of a stroke on Thursday.邓巴星期四突然中风死亡。They arrived unexpectedly.他们不请自来。They were caught in a clinch when their parents returned home unexpectedly.父母突然回家,撞见他俩拥抱在一起。She died quite unexpectedly.她的去世相当出人意料。The train stopped unexpectedly and we were jolted forwards.火车突然停住了,我们都猛地向前晃了一下。The desire to be a mother may creep up on you unexpectedly.想当妈妈的念头可能会在不经意间萌生。The invasion was held up by unexpectedly stout resistance.侵略行动因遭遇了意想不到的顽强抵抗而受阻。Then she was gone, leaving me in unexpectedly jejune loneliness.于是她走了,置我于意想不到的空虚孤独之中。She was unexpectedly cheerful, and her dining-room had the decency of clean bareness.她出乎意料地欢乐,她的餐室有一种清洁而无装饰的高雅。I'd planned a romantic evening together, but circumstances conspired against it - friends arrived unexpectedly and then Dave was called out to an emergency.我计划两人共度一个浪漫的夜晚,可是事不凑巧——先是朋友们不期而至,接着戴夫被叫去出急诊。We locked the door in case Mary returned unexpectedly.我们锁上门,以防玛丽不期而归。My boss had to go to the Caribbean unexpectedly and asked me to deputize.我的老板忽然要去加勒比海办事,于是就让我代理一下。The desire to be a mother may creep up on you unexpectedly.你会不知不觉地产生想当母亲的渴望。He received an unexpectedly lenient sentence.出乎意料的是,他受到的判决很轻。Moss had clamped an unexpectedly strong grip on his arm.莫斯突然抓住了他的胳膊,力道出奇地大。




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