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词汇 underneath
例句 But underneath the humour is an edge of bitterness.但是幽默的背后却透着怨气。The car had rust underneath.这辆车的底部生锈了。She isn't wearing any knickers underneath her long skirt. Can you imagine?她长裙底下没有穿内裤。你能想像吗? Grace tittered, but underneath the titter was a firm edge of hostility.格雷斯吃吃一笑,但笑声的背后却是锋芒毕露的敌意。We found your keys in the sofa underneath a cushion.我们在沙发的一个靠垫下面找到了你的钥匙。The snake wriggled across the path and went underneath a bush.蛇扭动着爬过小径,消失在灌木丛下。Now I know what the underneath of a car looks like.现在我知道汽车的底部是什么样子了。The insect crept further underneath.小虫向下方深处爬去。He's young, very headstrong, but he's a good man underneath.他年青、任性,但骨子里是个好人。He likes to pretend he's hard, but he's really soft underneath.他喜欢假装强硬,但实际上内心很柔弱。A whole family was dug out from underneath a tangle of fallen beams and masonry.一家人被从乱七八糟的木梁和砖石堆下面挖救出来。He likes to show people his tough side, but underneath it all, he's a decent person.他喜欢对人显示强硬的一面,但实际上他是个宽厚的人。He wore a swimsuit underneath his slacks.他在便裤里面穿着游泳裤。He drove home and parked up in the garage underneath the apartment.他开车回家后把车停在寓所楼下的车库里。Bake for half an hour - the top should be crisp, and the underneath moist and succulent.烘烤半个钟头——就会外焦里嫩,松软多汁。I got out of the car and looked underneath.我下车看了看车底。They couldn't climb over the wall, so they dug a hole under/underneath it.他们爬不过那堵墙,就在墙下面挖了个洞。He wore a white sweater with a red shirt underneath.他穿着白毛衣,里面是红衬衫。They are sensitive men underneath the brawn.他们肌肉强壮的外表下隐藏着敏感的心。There is an aqueduct underneath the new house.这座新房子底下有个导水管。Sheets of newspaper had been laid underneath the carpet.地毯下面铺了一张张报纸。I seem confident, but underneath it all I'm terribly nervous.我表面上充满自信,但骨子里头紧张极了。She found the key taped to the underneath of the table, as always.她发现钥匙跟往常一样就粘在桌子下面。There's a tight space you can crawl through underneath the house.房子下面有狭小的空间可让人爬行通过。If you lift up a rotting log you will find all sorts of insects underneath.要是你抬起一根腐烂的木头,就会发现底下有各种昆虫。There is tenderness that lurks underneath his tough appearance.他刚硬的外表之下隐藏着柔情。A subterranean stream is believed to flow underneath the town.据认为这个镇下面有地下小河流过。Padding prevents the rug's color from seeping through onto the floor underneath.铺上垫料可防止地毯的颜色渗到下面的地板上去。She sat with her legs drawn up underneath her.她把腿蜷到屁股底下坐着。When the boat capsized we were trapped underneath it.船翻了,我们被困在了船下。She seemed fine on the surface, but underneath, she was suffering.她表面上看起来很好,但心里很痛苦。The leaves have orange spots underneath.叶片背面有橙色斑点。He spoke with the brittle confidence of someone who, underneath, was very worried.他说话的时候带着一种脆弱的自信,这是内心其实非常焦虑的人所表现出来的自信。The plaster on the walls has been removed to expose the original bricks underneath.墙上的灰泥已被除去,露出了里面原本的墙砖。He opened his jacket to reveal a bullet-proof vest underneath.他解开夹克衫,露出里面的防弹背心。The wound has healed on top, but the skin underneath is still very painful.虽然伤口表面已经愈合,但下面的皮肤仍很疼。A number had been painted underneath the table.桌子底下涂有一个数字。Put your signature here, then print your name underneath.在这里签名,然后在下面打上名字。The area underneath provides useful storage.下面那块地方是非常好的贮藏场所。The child screamed once, and disappeared underneath the ice.那孩子尖叫了一声,接着就消失在冰层下。




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