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词汇 undermined
例句 The authority of his voice is undermined by the smallness of his build.瘦小的身形削弱了他声音中的权威感。His position within the government has been seriously undermined.他在政府中的地位遭到严重削弱。The convicts undermined the prison wall and escaped.囚犯们在监狱墙下挖地道逃跑了。Business confidence was undermined by a series of major failures.商界信心因一系列重大挫折而动摇。The scandal has undermined the government's moral authority.这桩丑闻损害了政府的道德威信。The scandal undermined/damaged her credibility as an honest politician.这个丑闻损害了她作为诚实政治家的信誉。Her unwillingness to answer questions undermined the strength of her position.她不愿意回答问题,这使她地位不稳。They had dug too deep and undermined the foundations of the house.他们挖得太深,破坏了房子的地基。She undermined him and destroyed his confidence in his own talent.她暗中打击他,让他对自己的才华信心全无。Paul took exception to her advice, which he said undermined his self-esteem.保罗对她的劝告很不悦,说是伤害了他的自尊。She felt undermined by the implied criticism.她觉得这一含沙射影的批评对自己造成了不利影响。The bad cold had undermined her health.重感冒损伤了她的健康。The kidnappings undermined several months of delicate peace negotiations.这些绑架事件使几个月以来微妙的和平谈判渐渐趋于破裂。The waves had undermined the cliff.波浪冲刷侵蚀悬崖的底部。Recent scandals have undermined confidence in the city's public officials.最近的丑闻动摇了人们对市政官员的信任。High taxation rates have undermined work incentives.高税率削弱了工作激励措施的作用。The Secretary of Defence has said that he would not stand by and let democracy be undermined.国防部长已经表示自己不会坐视民主遭到破坏。The authority of his voice is undermined by the smallness of his build.他个头矮小,说话就没那么有权威。He has been fatally undermined by his own finance minister.他的地位被自己的财政部长完全动摇了。Insults undermined her confidence.一再受到侮辱之后,她渐渐丧失信心。The events of the past year have undermined people's confidence in the government.去年发生的事件使人们对政府逐渐失去了信心。Many severe colds undermined the old man's health.多次严重的感冒损害了老人的健康。Their trading position has been seriously undermined by the minister's remarks.他们的贸易地位由于部长的一席话而受到了严重损害。He undermined public trust in his office.他在职期间破坏了公众的信任。It ultimately undermined his ability to play.这最终削弱了他的比赛能力。




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