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例句 Under her direction, this difficult material is turned into great theatre.在她的指导下,这一棘手的材料变成了精彩的剧作。Under cross-examination, the psychiatrist admitted that he could not be sure of his diagnosis.经反复盘问,这位精神科医生承认,他对自己的诊断没有把握。Under the old political system wealth and power centralized in the hands of a few noble families.在旧政治制度下财富和权力都集中在少数贵族家族手中。Under the statutes of the University, they had no right to dismiss him.按照大学的规章,他们无权开除他。Under the leadership of the Conservative Party, the gap between the rich and the poor widened considerably.在保守党的领导之下,贫富差距显著加大。Under the terms of the deal, the band has to make two albums a year.根据协议条款,乐队每年必须灌录两张专辑。Under the terms of the contract the job should have been finished yesterday.根据合同条款,这项工作本该于昨天完成。Under the previous administration, rich landowners were given generous tax concessions.在前一届政府的管治下,富有的地主阶层享有很大的税务优惠。Under each thumbnail image is a link to a larger illustration.每幅缩略图下面都有一个放大图片的链接。Under normal circumstances Martin would probably have gone to college.在正常情况下,马丁很可能已经上大学了。Under the law, everyone is considered innocent until proved guilty.根据法律,所有人在证实有罪前都被认为是清白的。Under his leadership, a strong sense of nationalism emerged.在他的领导下,人们心中涌现出强烈的民族自豪感。Under international law, diplomats living in foreign countries are exempt from criminal prosecution.根据国际法,驻外外交官员不受刑事诉讼。Under New Zealand conditions, ewes and lambs are usually set-stocked from lambing until weaning.鉴于新西兰的情况,对母羊与羊羔从产羔到断奶这段时期通常实行定牧。Under this rule, only full members of the club are entitled to vote.按照这一规定,只有俱乐部的正式成员才有权投票。Under current legislation, factories must keep noise to a minimum.依照目前的法律,工厂必须把噪音控制在最低限度。Under deep hypnosis, subjects can be carried back in memory to early childhood.在深度催眠中,受试者可以重温幼年时期的记忆。Under all the innocent fun, there are hidden dangers, especially for children.在所有简单无害的娱乐项目背后都隐藏着危险,特别是对儿童而言。Under his father's guidance, he learned how to swim.他在父亲的指导下学会了游泳。Under the program, illegal immigrants would be able to apply to regularize their status.根据这一计划,非法移民可以申请身份合法化。Under cross-examination, he admitted the state troopers used more destructive ammunition than usual.在反复盘问下,他承认该州警察使用了比平常更具破坏性的弹药。Under socialism, many companies would be owned by the workers and would function as a cooperative.在社会主义制度下,许多公司可能是由工人所有,运转起来有些合作社的味道。Under the new rules, casual dress is now allowed.按照新的规定,现在允许穿休闲装了。Under the Constitution, you cannot be tried twice for the same crime.依据《宪法》规定,不能一罪两判。Under the lampshade Harry discovered a hidden microphone.哈里在灯罩下面发现了一个隐藏的麦克风。Under optimal conditions, these plants grow quite tall.在最理想的条件下,这些植物长得相当高大。Under these laws, he said, Mr. Rice's assets could have been frozen.他说根据这些法规,赖斯先生的资产可能已经被冻结了。Under the law, every citizen has access to their official records.根据法律,每个公民都有权查看自己的官方档案。Under certain conditions , it is possible to take the test at a later date.在某些条件下,缓考是可以的。Under his editorship, the Economist has introduced regular sports coverage.在他担任主编时,《经济学人》加入了定期的体育报道。Under heavy escort the big ship made the dangerous trip.大船在严密的护航下作了那次危险的航行。Under the new system, withholding taxes on the salaries of most workers will be considerably reduced.按照新税制,从大多数职工薪金中代扣的所得税额将大为减少。Do not, under any circumstances, open that door. = Under no circumstances are you to open that door. 无论如何都不要打开那扇门。Under those circumstances, her actions were completely defensible.在那种情况下,她的行为完全情有可原。Under the pressure of the urgent circumstances, he had to resign.在严峻形势的逼迫下,他只好辞职。Under the circumstances, I think the only thing you can do is apologize.在这种情况下,我觉得你只能道歉了。Under the new regulations this is permissible.根据新的规章制度,这是可以的。Under certain conditions, electrons can behave like waves rather than particles.在一定条件下,电子可以作波状运动,而不是粒子状运动。Under the state of siege, the police could arrest suspects without charges or warrants.在戒严时,警方无需指控或逮捕令就可以逮捕嫌疑人。Under the current rules, you need the agreement of at least 6 out of 10 committee members.根据现有的规则,你必须取得委员会十位成员中至少六人的同意。




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