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词汇 blatant
例句 The boundary changes were denounced as blatant gerrymandering.变更分界线的做法被抨击为赤裸裸的不公正划分选区行为。The Advertising Standards Authority accused estate agents of using blatant untruths.广告标准管理局指责房地产代理商公然进行虚假宣传。At times the arrogance of those in power is quite blatant.有时那些当权者颇为傲慢嚣张。The elitism was blatant.精英统治丝毫不加掩饰。Outsiders will continue to suffer the most blatant discrimination.外来人员会继续受到最露骨的歧视。I saw Sean's face cloud over at this blatant lie.我看见肖恩听到这个赤裸裸的谎话后脸色阴沉下来。The Department was notorious for its blatant discrimination against non-U.S. citizen employees.这个部门因公然歧视非美国公民雇员而臭名远扬。His story was a blatant/obvious contortion of the truth.他的报道是对事实的公然歪曲。It was a blatant attempt to buy their loyalty.这是公然收买他们忠心的企图。I was angry with his blatant attempt to take the moral high ground.他厚颜无耻地吹嘘自己有多高尚,我对此非常气愤。The company's refusal to hire him was a blatant act of discrimination.该公司拒绝雇用他,那是毫不掩饰的歧视行为。How could she swallow such a blatant lie?她怎么能轻信这个弥天大谎呢?You don't have to be blatant about it.你不必为这事吵吵嚷嚷。She was shocked by his blatant sexism.她对他露骨的性别偏见感到震惊。The editorial was a blatant attempt to manipulate public opinion.这篇社论公然企图左右舆论。His treatment of his secretary was a blatant example of managerial arrogance.他管理工作中的傲慢态度在他对待秘书的态度上表露无遗。I was shocked by the blatant racism of his remarks.他公开的种族主义言论令我震惊。It was a blatant attempt to discredit the Prime Minister.那是公然败坏首相名声的企图。It was a blatant attempt to influence the judges.这是公然企图左右法官的行为。The delegation submitted a memorandum to the Commons on the blatant violations of basic human rights.代表团就公然违反基本人权的事件向下议院提交了一份备忘录。He accused the diary's publishers of blatant opportunism.他指责这本日记的出版者是赤裸裸的机会主义者。The elitism was blatant.精英主义的存在极其明显。The delegation submitted a memorandum to the Commons on the blatant violations of basic human rights.代表团向下院呈交了有关公然侵犯基本人权的备忘录。He showed a blatant disregard for the safety of other drivers.他公然无视其他司机的安全。The Advertising Standards Authority accused estate agents of using blatant untruths.广告标准管理局控告房地产代理商使用无耻的谎言。




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