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词汇 two days
例句 After travelling for two days we must have looked pretty rough.在路上走了两天,我们肯定是蓬头垢面的。The President cut short his working vacation by two days.总统将工作休假缩短了两天。The boy was found dead two days after he disappeared from a shopping centre.那男孩在一家购物中心失踪两天后被发现已经死亡。It took the musicians two days to record the soundtrack.几名音乐家花了两天时间来录制电影配乐。Yesterday I went to see him, only to learn that he had gone abroad two days before.昨天我去看他,不料听人说他两天前已出国去了。She's been out of town for two days.她出城已经两天了。Things have been going very well recently. Or they were, until two days ago.近来事情进展得一直都很顺利。或者说,直到两天以前还一直很顺利。After being grilled by the police for two days, Johnson signed a confession.被警方审问了两天后,约翰逊在供状上签字认罪。I wondered which of us would finish our work first, but she beat me to it by two days. 我之前还寻思着我们俩谁能最先完成任务呢,结果她比我提前了两天完成。He painted four large canvases in two days.两天里他画了四幅大油画。You'll have to finish it within two days, and that's that.你们必须在两天内完工,就这样。Sandy stole my thunder when she announced that she was pregnant two days before I'd planned to tell people about my pregnancy.在我打算告诉大家我怀孕的消息之前两天,桑迪抢先宣布她怀孕了,抢了我的风头。The paint will dry in two days.油漆两天会变干。She stayed a month less two days.她待了差两天一个月。New employees receive two days of orientation.新雇员用两天时间听取介绍,熟悉情况。The happenings of the last two days had left me feeling dazed.过去两天里发生的事情使我晕头转向。Later in the pregnancy when the drive to work was getting too taxing, I worked at home two days a week.在怀孕后期开车去上班太累了,于是我一周在家工作两天。I had a bad attack of pneumonia and spent two days in hospital on a drip.我得了严重的肺炎,在医院输了两天液。The girl does for us two days a week.那姑娘每周来两天替我们做家务。The two days between Monday and Thursday are Tuesday and Wednesday.周一和周四之间的两天是周二和周三。The unexpected sale beat the competition to the draw by two days.那场突如其来的大拍卖比竞争对手赶前了两天。They prolonged their visit by two days.他们延长访问二天。The crew discovered the stowaway about two days into their voyage.船员在开船约两天后发现了那名偷乘者。We will outfit two days before sailing.我们将在出航前两天整装。Space your workouts two days apart to avoid sore muscles.体育锻炼要间隔两天进行以防肌肉疼痛。I ordered an English-Chinese dictionary two days ago. The dictionary has now arrived.两天前我订购了一部英汉词典。这部词典现已收到。The weather held us over in Denver for two days.天气原因让我们在德文拖延了两天。After two days on the road, they reached the coast.他们开了两天车到了海边。The meat marinated in the brine for two days.这块肉在盐水里泡了两天。After two days, the group gelled into a team.两天之后,这组人就形成了一支队伍。I hadn't slept for two days, and I felt a complete physical wreck.我已经两天没睡觉了,感觉身体都累垮了。I suppose delivery in two days is pretty fast, really.我认为两天内送到确实是相当快了。A film cameraman was airlifted to safety yesterday after being trapped inside a volcano for two days.一名电影摄影师在火山里被困了两天之后,已于昨天由飞机运送到一个安全的地方。The winds were contrary;we had to beat about for two days.正碰上逆风,我们的船只好迎斜风行驶了两天。At a guess he's been dead for two days.据猜测,他已死了两天。During two days of tough interviews, he never put a foot wrong.在两天艰难的面试中,他没有出一点差错。With the election only two days left, the government, however, mistimed its announcement of tax increases.大选只差两天就要举行,政府却非常不合时宜地宣布加税。Only two days remained before the examination.考前只剩下两天了。They stayed there two days more.他们在那里又待了两天。Bad luck, I hope,won't hook on to me in two days.我希望这两天让我别碰上什么倒霉事。




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